[图书][B] Health economics: an international perspective

B McPake, C Normand, S Smith, A Nolan - 2020 - taylorfrancis.com
Health Economics: An International Perspective is the only textbook to provide a truly
international, comparative treatment of health economics. Offering an analysis of health …

[HTML][HTML] A cost-effectiveness analysis of South Africa's seasonal influenza vaccination programme

I Edoka, C Kohli-Lynch, H Fraser, K Hofman, S Tempia… - Vaccine, 2021 - Elsevier
Background Seasonal influenza imposes a significant health and economic burden in South
Africa, particularly in populations vulnerable to severe consequences of influenza. This …

Unremarked or unperformed? Systematic review on reporting of validation efforts of health economic decision models in seasonal influenza and early breast cancer

PT de Boer, GWJ Frederix, TL Feenstra, P Vemer - Pharmacoeconomics, 2016 - Springer
Background Transparent reporting of validation efforts of health economic models give
stakeholders better insight into the credibility of model outcomes. In this study we reviewed …

Some extensions in continuous models for immunological correlates of protection

AJ Dunning, J Kensler, L Coudeville… - BMC medical research …, 2015 - Springer
Background A scaled logit model has previously been proposed to quantify the relationship
between an immunological assay and protection from disease, and has been applied in a …

Economic evaluations of vaccines in Canada: a scoping review

ERS Rafferty, HL Gagnon, M Farag… - Cost Effectiveness and …, 2017 - Springer
Background This study aims to summarise and describe the evolution of published
economic evaluations of vaccines in Canada, thereby outlining the current state of this …

Cost-effectiveness of seasonal influenza vaccination in pregnant women, health care workers and persons with underlying illnesses in Belgium

A Blommaert, J Bilcke, Y Vandendijck, G Hanquet… - Vaccine, 2014 - Elsevier
Risk groups with increased vulnerability for influenza complications such as pregnant
women, persons with underlying illnesses as well as persons who come into contact with …

Uncertainty analysis in population‐based disease microsimulation models

B Sharif, JA Kopec, H Wong, P Fines… - Epidemiology …, 2012 - Wiley Online Library
Objective. Uncertainty analysis (UA) is an important part of simulation model validation.
However, literature is imprecise as to how UA should be performed in the context of …

Cost-effectiveness of increasing influenza vaccination coverage in adults with Type 2 diabetes in Turkey

L Akın, B Macabéo, Z Caliskan, S Altinel, I Satman - PLoS One, 2016 - journals.plos.org
Objective In Turkey, the prevalence of diabetes is high but the influenza vaccination
coverage rate (VCR) is low (9.1% in 2014), despite vaccination being recommended and …

Out of focus but still relevant? Influenza-related resource utilization and vaccination coverage gaps in adults below 60 years of age with underlying conditions: an …

L Colombo, J Witte, D Gensorowsky… - Journal of Medical …, 2024 - Taylor & Francis
Background In 2003, the WHO aimed for a 75% or higher influenza vaccination rate among
at-risk populations. However, this target was achieved in a few groups during selected …

Disease surveillance investments and administration: limits to information value in Pakistan polio eradication

RP Scott, AC Cullen, G Chabot‐Couture - Risk Analysis, 2021 - Wiley Online Library
In Pakistan, annual poliovirus investment decisions drive quantities of supplemental
immunization campaigns districts receive. In this article, we assess whether increased …