[图书][B] The Gulf of California: biodiversity and conservation
RC Brusca - 2010 - books.google.com
Few places in the world can claim such a diversity of species as the Gulf of California (Sea of
Cortez), with its 6,000 recorded animal species estimated to be half the number actually …
Cortez), with its 6,000 recorded animal species estimated to be half the number actually …
Interpreting nitrogen stable isotopes in the study of migratory fishes in marine ecosystems
JE Richert, F Galván-Magaña, AP Klimley - Marine Biology, 2015 - Springer
Stable isotopes have proven effective in the ecological study of terrestrial, freshwater,
marine and estuarine systems. However, their utility in the study of large migratory fishes in …
marine and estuarine systems. However, their utility in the study of large migratory fishes in …
[HTML][HTML] Processes and mechanisms that determine the planktonic production in the largest bay inside the Gulf of California, Mexico: a synthesis and review
E Coria-Monter, MA Monreal-Gómez… - Latin american journal …, 2024 - SciELO Chile
The Bay of La Paz (BLP) is located in the southwestern portion of the Gulf of California (GC),
the largest and deepest coastal environment along the gulf. The BLP is recognized for its …
the largest and deepest coastal environment along the gulf. The BLP is recognized for its …
Diurnal vertical motions over a seamount of the southern Gulf of California
A 6-month time series of velocity and scattered sound intensity profiles is used to document
diurnal vertical motions over a seamount, El Bajo Espı́ritu Santo, in the southern Gulf of …
diurnal vertical motions over a seamount, El Bajo Espı́ritu Santo, in the southern Gulf of …
The Home of Blue Water Fish: Rather than singly inhabiting the trackless ocean, pelagic fish species travel together in groups, which migrate between hidden …
AP Klimley, JE Richert, SJ Jorgensen - American Scientist, 2005 - JSTOR
More than two decades ago, I (Klim ley) pressed my mask against my face, took a deep
breath and flipped over the edge of a small Mexican fish ing boat into the Gulf of California …
breath and flipped over the edge of a small Mexican fish ing boat into the Gulf of California …
A practical approach to monitoring marine protected areas
H Villalobos, JP Zwolinski, CA Godínez-Pérez… - Oceanography, 2021 - JSTOR
Worldwide, marine protected areas (MPAs) are increasingly created to protect and restore
selected parts of the ocean and to enhance recreation, fishing, and sustainable resources …
selected parts of the ocean and to enhance recreation, fishing, and sustainable resources …
[HTML][HTML] Barotropic background currents in the Gulf of California
V Makarov, Á Jiménez-Illescas - Ciencias marinas, 2003 - scielo.org.mx
A field of barotropic background currents (BC) in the Gulf of California is constructed
numerically. The definition of BC used here is based on suppositions about (i) the horizontal …
numerically. The definition of BC used here is based on suppositions about (i) the horizontal …
Uso de cámaras remotas para el estudio de comunidades de peces pelágicos en el Suroeste del Golfo de California y el Archipiélago de Revillagigedo
H Sánchez Gómez - 2022 - dspace.cibnor.mx
" Realizar un seguimiento continuo de las comunidades marinas es importante para su
manejo y conservación. Desafortunadamente, debido a las dificultades metodológicas, los …
manejo y conservación. Desafortunadamente, debido a las dificultades metodológicas, los …
[HTML][HTML] Estructura de la comunidad de larvas de peces en una montaña submarina del Golfo de California
R González-Armas, R Funes-Rodríguez… - Hidrobiológica, 2008 - scielo.org.mx
Se determinaron los cambios en la estructura de la comunidad de larvas de peces en una
montaña submarina conocida como El Bajo del Espíritu Santo (EBES) situada al sur del …
montaña submarina conocida como El Bajo del Espíritu Santo (EBES) situada al sur del …
[PDF][PDF] Corrientes básicas barotrópicas en el Golfo de California
V Makarov, ÁJ Illescas - Ciencias Marinas, 2003 - redalyc.org
Un campo de corrientes básicas (CB) barotrópicas en el Golfo de California se construyó
numéricamente. La definición de CB utilizada aquí se basa en las suposiciones sobre (i) la …
numéricamente. La definición de CB utilizada aquí se basa en las suposiciones sobre (i) la …