[PDF][PDF] From human-computer interaction to human-AI Interaction: new challenges and opportunities for enabling human-centered AI

W Xu, MJ Dainoff, L Ge, Z Gao - arXiv preprint arXiv:2105.05424, 2021 - ask.qcloudimg.com
While AI has benefited humans, it may also harm humans if not appropriately developed. We
conducted a literature review of current related work in developing AI systems from an HCI …

How management support systems affect job performance: a systematic literature review and research agenda

JA Kempkes, F Suprano, A Wömpener - Management Review Quarterly, 2023 - Springer
In recent years new digital technologies, such as self-service systems and big data analytics,
have brought about important changes across all organizational divisions. However …

Narrative maps: An algorithmic approach to represent and extract information narratives

BF Keith Norambuena, T Mitra - Proceedings of the ACM on Human …, 2021 - dl.acm.org
Narratives are fundamental to our perception of the world and are pervasive in all activities
that involve the representation of events in time. Yet, modern online information systems do …

Incorporating trust and self-confidence analysis in the guidance and control of (semi) autonomous mobile robotic systems

H Saeidi, Y Wang - IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 2018 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
We propose a trust and self-confidence-based autonomy allocation strategy to automatically
choose between manual and autonomous control of (semi) autonomous mobile robots in …

Is too much system caution counterproductive? Effects of varying sensitivity and automation levels in vehicle collision avoidance systems

E Fu, M Johns, DAB Hyde, S Sibi, M Fischer… - Proceedings of the 2020 …, 2020 - dl.acm.org
Autonomous vehicle system performance is limited by uncertainties inherent in the driving
environment and challenges in processing sensor data. Engineers thus face the design …

추천시스템품질요소가구매의도에미치는영향: 신뢰도와온라인스토어이미지의이중매개효과

성기범, 한상만, 김태완 - 마케팅연구, 2023 - dbpia.co.kr
인터넷과 스마트 폰의 보급으로 손쉽게 온라인에서 상품을 구입하는 소비자들이 많아지고
있다. 이 과정에서 소비자의 사용 기록, 거래 상세정보, 구매 후기 등 여러 기록들이 데이터화 …

[PDF][PDF] A Study on the Effect of Personalization-Privacy-Transparency on User Trust in the Recommender System: Base on Social Media's Videos Recommendation

YH Yoo, YS Choi, HJ Park, JH Lee - Journal of Digital Contents …, 2020 - journal.dcs.or.kr
Today, the success of social media platform depends on a larger extent on the acceptance
of the recommender system, which is calibrated according to the user's trust. In this study, we …

[PDF][PDF] Information extraction for optimized human understanding and decision making

E Zaroukian - Proceedings of ICCRTS, 2018 - ezaroukian.github.io
Information extraction (IE) pipelines aim to point human decision makers toward relevant
information, but beyond the accuracy of the pipeline itself, designing the presentation of the …

추천시스템사용에서개인화-프라이버시-투명성이사용자신뢰에미치는영향연구: 소셜미디어영상추천을중심으로

유영하, 최이슬, 박현진, 이정훈 - 디지털콘텐츠학회논문지, 2020 - dbpia.co.kr
오늘날, 소셜미디어 플랫폼의 성공은 추천시스템의 채택에 따라 크게 좌우될 수 있으며,
추천시스템은 사용자의 신뢰에 따라 활용이 보정된다. 본 연구는 개인화-프라이버시-투명성 …


PJ Smith, AL Spencer - 2021 - researchgate.net
This effort has focused on the design of a distributed work system at a functional level that
encompasses the control of multiple unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) by three human …