Surface remeshing: A systematic literature review of methods and research directions
Triangle meshes are used in many important shape-related applications including geometric
modeling, animation production, system simulation, and visualization. However, these …
modeling, animation production, system simulation, and visualization. However, these …
Visual abstraction of large scale geospatial origin-destination movement data
A variety of human movement datasets are represented in an Origin-Destination (OD) form,
such as taxi trips, mobile phone locations, etc. As a commonly-used method to visualize OD …
such as taxi trips, mobile phone locations, etc. As a commonly-used method to visualize OD …
Error-bounded and feature preserving surface remeshing with minimal angle improvement
Surface remeshing is a key component in many geometry processing applications. The
typical goal consists in finding a mesh that is (1) geometrically faithful to the original …
typical goal consists in finding a mesh that is (1) geometrically faithful to the original …
Gaussian blue noise
Among the various approaches for producing point distributions with blue noise spectrum,
we argue for an optimization framework using Gaussian kernels. We show that with a wise …
we argue for an optimization framework using Gaussian kernels. We show that with a wise …
Isotropic surface remeshing without large and small angles
We introduce a novel algorithm for isotropic surface remeshing which progressively
eliminates obtuse triangles and improves small angles. The main novelty of the proposed …
eliminates obtuse triangles and improves small angles. The main novelty of the proposed …
Screen-space blue-noise diffusion of Monte Carlo sampling error via hierarchical ordering of pixels
We present a novel technique for diffusing Monte Carlo sampling error as a blue noise in
screen space. We show that automatic diffusion of sampling error can be achieved by …
screen space. We show that automatic diffusion of sampling error can be achieved by …
Weighted linde-buzo-gray stippling
We propose an adaptive version of Lloyd's optimization method that distributes points based
on Voronoi diagrams. Our inspiration is the Linde-Buzo-Gray-Algorithm in vector …
on Voronoi diagrams. Our inspiration is the Linde-Buzo-Gray-Algorithm in vector …
EnConVis: A Unified Framework for Ensemble Contour Visualization
Ensemble simulation is a crucial method to handle potential uncertainty in modern
simulation and has been widely applied in many disciplines. Many ensemble contour …
simulation and has been widely applied in many disciplines. Many ensemble contour …
Patternshop: Editing Point Patterns by Image Manipulation
Point patterns are characterized by their density and correlation. While spatial variation of
density is well-understood, analysis and synthesis of spatially-varying correlation is an open …
density is well-understood, analysis and synthesis of spatially-varying correlation is an open …
Frontiers in biomolecular mesh generation and molecular visualization systems
With the development of biomolecular modeling and simulation, especially implicit solvent
modeling, higher requirements are set for the stability, efficiency and mesh quality of …
modeling, higher requirements are set for the stability, efficiency and mesh quality of …