A universal role of the ventral striatum in reward-based learning: evidence from human studies

R Daniel, S Pollmann - Neurobiology of learning and memory, 2014 - Elsevier
Reinforcement learning enables organisms to adjust their behavior in order to maximize
rewards. Electrophysiological recordings of dopaminergic midbrain neurons have shown …

More than the face: representations of bodies in the inferior temporal cortex

R Vogels - Annual review of vision science, 2022 - annualreviews.org
Visual representations of bodies, in addition to those of faces, contribute to the recognition of
con-and heterospecifics, to action recognition, and to nonverbal communication. Despite its …

Vicarious neural processing of outcomes during observational learning

E Monfardini, V Gazzola, D Boussaoud, A Brovelli… - PloS one, 2013 - journals.plos.org
Learning what behaviour is appropriate in a specific context by observing the actions of
others and their outcomes is a key constituent of human cognition, because it saves time …

[HTML][HTML] Effective chair training methods for neuroscience research involving rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta)

S Mason, E Premereur, V Pelekanos… - Journal of Neuroscience …, 2019 - Elsevier
Background Neuroscience research using macaques remains fundamental in our
endeavours to understand how the human brain functions. Applying the refinement principle …

Neural activity in macaque medial frontal cortex represents others' choices

R Falcone, R Cirillo, S Ferraina, A Genovesio - Scientific reports, 2017 - nature.com
Predicting the behavior of others is a fundamental skill in primate social life. We tested the
role of medial frontal cortex in the prediction of other agents' behavior in two male …

Neural encoding of self and another agent's goal in the primate prefrontal cortex: human–monkey interactions

R Falcone, E Brunamonti, S Ferraina… - Cerebral …, 2016 - academic.oup.com
The primate prefrontal cortex represents both past and future goals. To investigate its role in
representing the goals of other agents, we designed a nonmatch-to-goal task that involved a …

Five breakthroughs: a first approximation of brain evolution from early bilaterians to humans

MS Bennett - Frontiers in Neuroanatomy, 2021 - frontiersin.org
Retracing the evolutionary steps by which human brains evolved can offer insights into the
underlying mechanisms of human brain function as well as the phylogenetic origin of …

Macaque monkeys learn by observation in the ghost display condition in the object-in-place task with differential reward to the observer

L Ferrucci, S Nougaret, A Genovesio - Scientific reports, 2019 - nature.com
Observational learning has been investigated in monkeys mainly using conspecifics or
humans as models to observe. Some studies attempted to clarify the social agent's role and …

Dedicated representation of others in the macaque frontal cortex: from action monitoring and prediction to outcome evaluation

L Ferrucci, S Nougaret, R Falcone, R Cirillo… - Cerebral …, 2022 - academic.oup.com
Social neurophysiology has increasingly addressed how several aspects of self and other
are distinctly represented in the brain. In social interactions, the self–other distinction is …

What behavioral abilities emerged at key milestones in human brain evolution? 13 hypotheses on the 600-million-year phylogenetic history of human intelligence

MS Bennett - Frontiers in Psychology, 2021 - frontiersin.org
This paper presents 13 hypotheses regarding the specific behavioral abilities that emerged
at key milestones during the 600-million-year phylogenetic history from early bilaterians to …