[HTML][HTML] Inverted qualia

A Byrne - 2004 - plato.stanford.edu
Qualia inversion thought experiments are ubiquitous in contemporary philosophy of mind
(largely due to the influence of Shoemaker 1982 and Block 1990). The most popular kind is …

A new inverted spectrum thought experiment

R Montgomery - Philosophical Studies, 2018 - Springer
A version of the inverted spectrum thought experiment that disconfirms functionalism for the
case of humans' color experiences has typically been thought to require a certain kind of …

On the coherence of inversion

C Littlejohn - Acta Analytica, 2009 - Springer
In this paper, I shall evaluate a strategy recently used to try to demonstrate the impossibility
of behaviorally undetectable spectrum inversion. After showing that the impossibility proof …

Un lugar para la mente en el mundo: el fin de una intuición

S Cermeño Ainsa - 2015 - e-spacio.uned.es
En este trabajo me ocuparé de un aspecto central del problema de la relación entre la
mente y el cuerpo, a saber, el problema de los qualia de la conciencia. Los filósofos …