Yago: a core of semantic knowledge

FM Suchanek, G Kasneci, G Weikum - Proceedings of the 16th …, 2007 - dl.acm.org
We present YAGO, a light-weight and extensible ontology with high coverage and quality.
YAGO builds on entities and relations and currently contains more than 1 million entities and …

[图书][B] Handbook of natural language processing

N Indurkhya, FJ Damerau - 2010 - taylorfrancis.com
The Handbook of Natural Language Processing, Second Edition presents practical tools
and techniques for implementing natural language processing in computer systems. Along …

Yago: A large ontology from wikipedia and wordnet

FM Suchanek, G Kasneci, G Weikum - Journal of Web Semantics, 2008 - Elsevier
This article presents YAGO, a large ontology with high coverage and precision. YAGO has
been automatically derived from Wikipedia and WordNet. It comprises entities and relations …

Mining meaning from Wikipedia

O Medelyan, D Milne, C Legg, IH Witten - International Journal of Human …, 2009 - Elsevier
Wikipedia is a goldmine of information; not just for its many readers, but also for the growing
community of researchers who recognize it as a resource of exceptional scale and utility. It …

Understanding user's query intent with wikipedia

J Hu, G Wang, F Lochovsky, J Sun, Z Chen - Proceedings of the 18th …, 2009 - dl.acm.org
Understanding the intent behind a user's query can help search engine to automatically
route the query to some corresponding vertical search engines to obtain particularly relevant …

Collaboratively built semi-structured content and Artificial Intelligence: The story so far

E Hovy, R Navigli, SP Ponzetto - Artificial Intelligence, 2013 - Elsevier
Recent years have seen a great deal of work that exploits collaborative, semi-structured
content for Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Natural Language Processing (NLP). This special …

An ontology-based retrieval system using semantic indexing

S Kara, Ö Alan, O Sabuncu, S Akpınar, NK Cicekli… - Information Systems, 2012 - Elsevier
In this paper, we present an ontology-based information extraction and retrieval system and
its application in the soccer domain. In general, we deal with three issues in semantic …

Building a free French wordnet from multilingual resources

B Sagot, D Fišer - OntoLex, 2008 - inria.hal.science
This paper describes automatic construction a freely-available wordnet for French (WOLF)
based on Princeton WordNet (PWN) by using various multilingual resources. Polysemous …

Identifying document topics using the Wikipedia category network

P Schönhofen - Web Intelligence and Agent Systems: An …, 2009 - content.iospress.com
In the last few years the size and coverage of Wikipedia, a community edited, freely
available on-line encyclopedia has reached the point where it can be effectively used to …

Ontological technologies for user modelling

S Sosnovsky, D Dicheva - International Journal of Metadata …, 2010 - inderscienceonline.com
This paper brings together research from two different fields–user modelling and web
ontologies–in attempt to demonstrate how recent semantic trends in web development can …