Toward integrated large-scale environmental monitoring using WSN/UAV/Crowdsensing: A review of applications, signal processing, and future perspectives

A Fascista - Sensors, 2022 -
Fighting Earth's degradation and safeguarding the environment are subjects of topical
interest and sources of hot debate in today's society. According to the United Nations, there …

Environmental sensor networks in ecological research

PW Rundel, EA Graham, MF Allen, JC Fisher… - New …, 2009 - Wiley Online Library
Environmental sensor networks offer a powerful combination of distributed sensing capacity,
real‐time data visualization and analysis, and integration with adjacent networks and remote …

Robots for environmental monitoring: Significant advancements and applications

M Dunbabin, L Marques - IEEE Robotics & Automation …, 2012 -
Robotic systems are increasingly being utilized as fundamental data-gathering tools by
scientists, allowing new perspectives and a greater understanding of the planet and its …

[图书][B] Plant roots: the hidden half

A Eshel, T Beeckman - 2013 -
The decade since the publication of the third edition of this volume has been an era of great
progress in biology in general and the plant sciences in particular. This is especially true …

Environmental controls and the influence of vegetation type, fine roots and rhizomorphs on diel and seasonal variation in soil respiration

R Vargas, MF Allen - New Phytologist, 2008 - Wiley Online Library
Characterization of spatial and temporal variation of soil respiration coupled with fine root
and rhizomorph dynamics is necessary to understand the mechanisms that regulate soil …

Multiscale analysis of temporal variability of soil CO2 production as influenced by weather and vegetation

R Vargas, M Detto, DD Baldocchi… - Global Change …, 2010 - Wiley Online Library
Ecosystem processes are influenced by weather and climatic perturbations at multiple
temporal scales with a large range of amplitudes and phases. Technological advances of …

Looking deeper into the soil: biophysical controls and seasonal lags of soil CO2 production and efflux

R Vargas, DD Baldocchi, MF Allen… - Ecological …, 2010 - Wiley Online Library
We seek to understand how biophysical factors such as soil temperature (Ts), soil moisture
(θ), and gross primary production (GPP) influence CO2 fluxes across terrestrial ecosystems …

New eyes on the world: advanced sensors for ecology

JH Porter, E Nagy, TK Kratz, P Hanson, SL Collins… - …, 2009 -
Innovative uses of advanced sensors and sensor networks are starting to be translated into
new ecological knowledge. These sensors are providing a new set of “eyes” through which …

Linking water and nutrients through the vadose zone: a fungal interface between the soil and plant systems

MF Allen - 干旱区科学, 2011 -
Plant water availability, use, and management have largely focused on physical processes
of infiltration and the role of roots in uptake and transpiration. However, roots and …

Data and monitoring needs for a more ecological agriculture

DPM Zaks, CJ Kucharik - Environmental Research Letters, 2011 -
Abstract Information on the life-cycle environmental impacts of agricultural production is
often limited. As demands grow for increasing agricultural output while reducing its negative …