Competitive on‐line statistics

V Vovk - International Statistical Review, 2001 - Wiley Online Library
A radically new approach to statistical modelling, which combines mathematical techniques
of Bayesian statistics with the philosophy of the theory of competitive on‐line algorithms, has …

A decision-theoretic generalization of on-line learning and an application to boosting

Y Freund, RE Schapire - Journal of computer and system sciences, 1997 - Elsevier
In the first part of the paper we consider the problem of dynamically apportioning resources
among a set of options in a worst-case on-line framework. The model we study can be …

A desicion-theoretic generalization of on-line learning and an application to boosting

Y Freund, RE Schapire - European conference on computational learning …, 1995 - Springer
We consider the problem of dynamically apportioning resources among a set of options in a
worst-case on-line framework. The model we study can be interpreted as a broad, abstract …

Exponentiated gradient versus gradient descent for linear predictors

J Kivinen, MK Warmuth - information and computation, 1997 - Elsevier
We consider two algorithms for on-line prediction based on a linear model. The algorithms
are the well-known gradient descent (GD) algorithm and a new algorithm, which we call …

How to use expert advice

N Cesa-Bianchi, Y Freund, D Haussler… - Journal of the ACM …, 1997 -
We analyze algorithms that predict a binary value by combining the predictions of several
prediction strategies, called experts. Our analysis is for worst-case situations, ie, we make no …

Tracking the best expert

M Herbster, MK Warmuth - Machine learning, 1998 - Springer
We generalize the recent relative loss bounds for on-line algorithms where the additional
loss of the algorithm on the whole sequence of examples over the loss of the best expert is …

Xnas: Neural architecture search with expert advice

N Nayman, A Noy, T Ridnik… - Advances in neural …, 2019 -
This paper introduces a novel optimization method for differential neural architecture search,
based on the theory of prediction with expert advice. Its optimization criterion is well fitted for …

[PDF][PDF] A game of prediction with expert advice

VG Vovk - Proceedings of the eighth annual conference on …, 1995 -
We consider the following situation. At each point of discrete time the learner must make a
prediction; he is given the predictions made by a pool of experts. Each prediction and the …

Regret in the on-line decision problem

DP Foster, R Vohra - Games and Economic Behavior, 1999 - Elsevier
At each point in time a decision maker must make a decision. The payoff in a period from the
decision made depends on the decision as well as on the state of the world that obtains at …

[PDF][PDF] Using and combining predictors that specialize

Y Freund, RE Schapire, Y Singer… - Proceedings of the twenty …, 1997 -
We study online learning algorithms that predict by combining the predictions of severrd
subordinate prediction algorithms, sometimes crdled “experts.“These simple algorithms …