RDF 1.1: Knowledge representation and data integration language for the Web

D Tomaszuk, D Hyland-Wood - Symmetry, 2020 - mdpi.com
Resource Description Framework (RDF) can seen as a solution in today's landscape of
knowledge representation research. An RDF language has symmetrical features because …

A semantic interoperability approach to support integration of gene expression and clinical data in breast cancer

R Alonso-Calvo, S Paraiso-Medina… - Computers in biology …, 2017 - Elsevier
Introduction The introduction of omics data and advances in technologies involved in clinical
treatment has led to a broad range of approaches to represent clinical information. Within …

Fuzzy semantic labeling of semi-structured numerical datasets

A Alobaid, O Corcho - … : 21st International Conference, EKAW 2018, Nancy …, 2018 - Springer
SPARQL endpoints provide access to rich sources of data (eg knowledge graphs), which
can be used to classify other less structured datasets (eg CSV files or HTML tables on the …

A Semantic Approach to Data Integration from Clinical Polystore

N Gupta, B Gupta - Proceedings of Third Doctoral Symposium on …, 2022 - Springer
Polystore refers to the data sources that span multiple data representations, structure and
model. The data retrieval and integration systems experience challenges arise due to …

Relational database to resource description framework and its schema

M Faheem, H Sattar, IS Bajwa, W Akbar - Intelligent Technologies and …, 2019 - Springer
A relational database is a digital collection of data constructed on data stored in relations.
RDF (Resource Description Framework) is a standard exemplification for data substitution …

Strategies and Techniques for Federated Semantic Knowledge Retrieval and Integration

D Collarana Vargas - 2019 - bonndoc.ulb.uni-bonn.de
The vast amount of data shared on the Web requires effective and efficient techniques to
retrieve and create machine usable knowledge out of it. The creation of integrated …

[PDF][PDF] Método de normalización de datos y abstracción de consultas basado en estándares médicos

SP Medina - 2018 - oa.upm.es
Los avances producidos durante las últimas décadas en la investigación clínica han
provocado un aumento en la cantidad de información y en los recursos informáticos …


АА Волков - Альманах научных работ молодых ученых …, 2022 - elibrary.ru
В работе рассмотрены существующие инструменты по получению графов знаний из
реляционных баз данных. Для этого используются медиаторы, которые преобразуют …

Incremental schema integration for data wrangling via knowledge graphs

J Flores, K Rabbani, S Nadal, C Gómez… - Semantic …, 2024 - content.iospress.com
Virtual data integration is the current approach to go for data wrangling in data-driven
decision-making. In this paper, we focus on automating schema integration, which extracts a …

Método de normalización de datos y abstracción de consultas basado en estándares médicos

S Paraíso Medina - 2018 - oa.upm.es
Los avances producidos durante las últimas décadas en la investigación clínica han
provocado un aumento en la cantidad de información y en los recursos informáticos …