Brands and branding in media management—Toward a research agenda

N Malmelin, J Moisander - International Journal on Media …, 2014 - Taylor & Francis
This article provides a systematic overview and conceptual analysis of existing research on
brands and branding in the literature on media management. The aim is to advance …

The bricks that build the clicks: Newsroom investments and newspaper online performance

Y Tang, S Sridhar, E Thorson… - The International Journal …, 2011 - Taylor & Francis
As the world embraces the Internet for media consumption, the concept of a hybrid
newspaper—a printed newspaper with a companion Web site—is becoming more prevalent …

Erosion der Intensivleserschaft. Eine Zeitreihenanalyse zum Konkurrenzverhältnis von Tageszeitungen und Nachrichtensites

C Kolo, R Meyer-Lucht - M&K Medien & …, 2007 -
Medien & Kommunikationswissenschaft provides a forum for discussion of media and
communications related issues as well as for analyses of current media developments from …

Media corporate entrepreneurship: Theories and cases

M Hang - Journal of Media Management and Entrepreneurship, 2019 -
Media Corporate Entrepreneurship: Page 1 Journal of Media Management and
Entrepreneurship Volume 1 • Issue 1 • January-June 2019  Copyright©2019,IGIGlobal.CopyingordistributinginprintorelectronicformswithoutwrittenpermissionofIGIGlobalisprohibited …

Influenced by media brands? A conjoint experiment on the effect of media brands on online media planners' decision-making

M Kouki-Block, CM Wellbrock - Journal of Media Business Studies, 2022 - Taylor & Francis
Advertising revenues are a major source of income for media companies such as publishing
houses. In the age of digitalisation, generating revenue in the online advertising market is an …

[PDF][PDF] What is the strategic role of online newspapers?

AH Krumsvik - Nordicom Review, 2006 -
The newspapers are in a pressed situation of circulation decline. This is partly a
consequence of increased Internet usage, a development the papers themselves have …

Strategic challenges of newspaper publishing in an international perspective

C Kolo - Newspaper Research Journal, 2019 -
An analysis of newspaper industries in their national contexts exhibits strategic clusters of
similar challenges, imposed by digital transformation and socio-economic change. While …

Was macht Medien erfolgreich?-Eine Übersicht und Systematisierung der prozess-und angebotsbezogenen Erfolgsfaktoren

C Sommer, MB von Rimscha - MedienWirtschaft, 2013 -
In Zeiten des Wandels und großer Unsicherheit ist es für Medienunternehmen von
existenzieller Bedeutung, sich über die Erfolgsfaktoren ihrer Angebote im Klaren zu sein …

Stability in times of change: Trends in newspaper executives' attitudes towards digital media

AH Krumsvik - Nordicom Review, 2014 -
Five biennial surveys from 2005 to 2013 reveal a high degree of stability in Norwegian
newspaper executives' attitudes towards digital media, despite a high turnover in the …

Germany: Evaluating alternatives to finance quality journalism

C Kolo, S Weichert - State aid for newspapers: Theories, cases, actions, 2013 - Springer
Abstract Since the Frankfurter Rundschau, a regional daily newspaper based in
Frankfurt/Main with two regional and one nationwide issues, has recently gone bankrupt …