“We Can Remove the Skin!”: Realising the Cosmic Race in Mexican Xilam

G Jennings, DSC Islas - 2022 - figshare.cardiffmet.ac.uk
Xilam is a modern martial art inspired by pre-Hispanic Mesoamerican warrior cultures,
especially by the Aztec cosmological vision. As a human development system, Xilam aims to …

[图书][B] The Little Old Lady Killer: The Sensationalized Crimes of Mexico's First Female Serial Killer

SV Cervantes - 2019 - books.google.com
The surprising true story of Mexico's hunt, arrest, and conviction of its first female serial killer
For three years, amid widespread public outrage, police in Mexico City struggled to uncover …

Questions on communication and Race in Mexico

S Vargas Cervantes - Communication and Race, 2024 - Taylor & Francis
1) Race in communication studies is generally theorized as a mode of self-identification.
However, in Communication and Race, one of our goals is to try to think about race as also …

“¡ Podemos quitar la piel!” Realizando la raza cósmica en Xilam mexicano

G Jennings, DSC Islas - Sociología del Deporte, 2022 - upo.es
Xilam es un arte marcial moderno inspirado en las culturas guerreras mesoamericanas
prehispánicas, especialmente en la cosmovisión azteca. Como sistema de desarrollo …

[PDF][PDF] Alfabeto, Estado y Nación: el surgimiento del analfabetismo como problema educativo en México

M Miranda Noriega - 2020 - repositorio.cinvestav.mx
Esta tesis busca comprender la emergencia histórica del analfabetismo como un problema
relevante para el debate público en México. Documento cómo el analfabetismo fue definido …