Semi-Supervised Learning (Chapelle, O. et al., Eds.; 2006) [Book reviews]

O Chapelle, B Scholkopf, A Zien - IEEE Transactions on Neural …, 2009 -
This book addresses some theoretical aspects of semisupervised learning (SSL). The book
is organized as a collection of different contributions of authors who are experts on this topic …

Semi-supervised learning using randomized mincuts

A Blum, J Lafferty, MR Rwebangira… - Proceedings of the twenty …, 2004 -
In many application domains there is a large amount of unlabeled data but only a very
limited amount of labeled training data. One general approach that has been explored for …

The impacts of software process improvement on developers: A systematic review

M Lavallée, PN Robillard - 2012 34th International Conference …, 2012 -
This paper presents the results of a systematic review on the impacts of Software Process
Improvement (SPI) on developers. This review selected 26 studies from the highest quality …

A discriminative model for semi-supervised learning

MF Balcan, A Blum - Journal of the ACM (JACM), 2010 -
Supervised learning—that is, learning from labeled examples—is an area of Machine
Learning that has reached substantial maturity. It has generated general-purpose and …

Power grid state estimation following a joint cyber and physical attack

S Soltan, M Yannakakis… - IEEE Transactions on …, 2016 -
This paper focuses on joint cyber and physical attacks on power grids and presents methods
to retrieve the grid state information following such an attack. We consider a model where an …

REACT to cyber attacks on power grids

S Soltan, M Yannakakis… - IEEE Transactions on …, 2018 -
Motivated by the recent cyber attack on the Ukrainian power grid, we study cyber attacks on
power grids that affect both the physical infrastructure and the data at the control center …

Cascading failures in power grids: analysis and algorithms

S Soltan, D Mazauric, G Zussman - Proceedings of the 5th international …, 2014 -
This paper focuses on cascading line failures in the transmission system of the power grid.
Recent large-scale power outages demonstrated the limitations of percolation-and epidemic …

Finding small balanced separators

U Feige, M Mahdian - Proceedings of the thirty-eighth annual ACM …, 2006 -
Let G be an n-vertex graph that has a vertex separator of size k that partitions the graph into
connected components of size smaller than α n, for some fixed 2/3≤ α< 1. Such a separator …

Efficient discovery of association rules and frequent itemsets through sampling with tight performance guarantees

M Riondato, E Upfal - ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from …, 2014 -
The tasks of extracting (top-K) Frequent Itemsets (FIs) and Association Rules (ARs) are
fundamental primitives in data mining and database applications. Exact algorithms for these …

Detecting cuts in sensor networks

N Shrivastava, S Suri, CD Tóth - ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks …, 2008 -
We propose a low-overhead scheme for detecting a network partition or cut in a sensor
network. Consider a network S of n sensors, modeled as points in a two-dimensional plane …