Soil biodiversity and human health

DH Wall, UN Nielsen, J Six - Nature, 2015 -
Soil biodiversity is increasingly recognized as providing benefits to human health because it
can suppress disease-causing soil organisms and provide clean air, water and food. Poor …

A day in the life of a seed: movements and fates of seeds and their implications for natural and managed systems

JC Chambers, JA MacMahon - Annual review of ecology and systematics, 1994 - JSTOR
We develop a model that outlines the movements and fates of seeds after they leave the
parent plant, and then we examine the relative influences of abiotic and biotic factors on …

Interactions between Aboveground and Belowground Biodiversity in Terrestrial Ecosystems: Patterns, Mechanisms, and Feedbacks: We assess the evidence for …

DU Hooper, DE Bignell, VK Brown, L Brussard… - Bioscience, 2000 -
Numbers of species above ground and below ground may be correlated when taxa in both
realms respond similarly to the same or correlated environmental driving variables …

Complex trophic interactions in deserts: an empirical critique of food-web theory

GA Polis - The American Naturalist, 1991 -
Food webs in the real world are much more complex than food-web literature would have us
believe. This is illustrated by the web of the sand community in the Coachella Valley desert …

Herbivores and the dynamics of communities and ecosystems

N Huntly - Annual review of ecology and systematics, 1991 - JSTOR
Herbivores are taxonomically and ecologically diverse, ranging in size from microscopic
zooplankton to the largest of land vertebrates. Aquatic grazers include zooplankton (28 …

The raw and the stolen: cooking and the ecology of human origins

RW Wrangham, JH Jones, G Laden… - Current …, 1999 -
Cooking is a human universal that must have had widespread effects on the nutrition,
ecology, and social relationships of the species that invented it. The location and timing of its …

Grandmothering and the evolution of Homo erectus

JF O'Connell, K Hawkes… - Human Evolution Source …, 2016 -
Despite recent, compelling challenge, the evolution of Homo erectusis still commonly
attributed to big game hunting and/or scavenging and family provisioning by men. Here we …

Beaver influences on the long‐term biogeochemical characteristics of boreal forest drainage networks

RJ Naiman, G Pinay, CA Johnston, J Pastor - Ecology, 1994 - Wiley Online Library
Beaver (Castor canadensis) affect biogeochemical cycles and the accumulation and
distribution of chemical elements over time and space by altering the hydrologic regime …

BELOWGROUND HERBIVORY BY INSECTS: Influence on Plants and Aboveground Herbivores

B Blossey, TR Hunt-Joshi - Annual review of entomology, 2003 -
▪ Abstract Investigations of plant-herbivore interactions continue to be popular; however, a
bias neglecting root feeders may limit our ability to understand how herbivores shape plant …

Subterranean mammals show convergent regression in ocular genes and enhancers, along with adaptation to tunneling

R Partha, BK Chauhan, Z Ferreira, JD Robinson… - Elife, 2017 -
The underground environment imposes unique demands on life that have led subterranean
species to evolve specialized traits, many of which evolved convergently. We studied …