A narrative review of multi-objective optimization on the basis of ratio analysis (MOORA) method in decision making

S Chakraborty, HN Datta, K Kalita, S Chakraborty - Opsearch, 2023 - Springer
The task of multi-attribute decision making (MADM) involves selecting the best
alternative/course of action from a set of feasible options in the presence of conflicting …

An alternative in determining the best wood for guitar materials using MOORA method

T Tundo, WD Nugroho - IJID (International Journal on …, 2020 - ejournal.uin-suka.ac.id
This study aims to assist wood craftsmen in Dongkelan, Krapyak, Yogyakarta in determining
the best wood to be used as guitar material, because there are frequent complaints from …

Hotel employee acceptance assessment system with android-based moora method

K Karpen, W Paramita, TA Fitri… - JAIA-Journal of Artificial …, 2020 - jurnal.usti.ac.id
Hotel is a company engaged in the field of services, which requires employees who have
competencies in accordance with their fields. At present the existing employees are deemed …

Road preservation handling program scheme due to commercial vehicle overload

P Prabowo, MZ Arifin, AD Wicaksono… - AIP Conference …, 2024 - pubs.aip.org
Overloaded vehicles greatly affect the service life of road pavements. Overloaded road
conditions will break down faster and require high handling costs. Budget constraints and …

Penentuan Kandidat Lurah Pondok Menggunakan Metode Decision Support System Weighted Product (Studi Kasus: Pondok Pesantren Al-Munawwir Krapyak …

T Tundo - Jurnal CoreIT: Jurnal Hasil Penelitian Ilmu …, 2020 - ejournal.uin-suska.ac.id
Penelitian ini menerangkan metode Decision Support System Weighted Product (WP)
dalam menentukan kandidat lurah pondok di Pondok Pesantren Al-Munawwir Krapyak …