Emotional Maturity as a Predictor of Marriage Readiness in Early Adult Women from Batak Ethnic Groups

WGM Purba, RYE Kusumiati - Jurnal Bimbingan dan Konseling …, 2024 - ojs.unpatti.ac.id
This study explores the relationship between emotional maturity and marriage readiness
among early adult women in Batak families. Utilizing a quantitative correlational research …

Child Abuse, Marital Satisfaction and Premarital Counseling: How do They Relate One Another?

K Mariah, W Asmita - Edu Consilium: Jurnal Bimbingan …, 2024 - ejournal.iainmadura.ac.id
One of the reasons for the increase in child abuse in recent years is the actions of those
closest to the child, including one or both of their parents. Parents who commit such violence …

Religious Harmonization on Ethno-Religious Communities of Muslim and Dayak Katab-Kebahan in Tebing Karangan Village, Melawi District, West Kalimantan

W Parwanto, S Sahri, S Busyra, R Riyani… - …, 2022 - jurnalharmoni.kemenag.go.id
Abstract Research on the Katab-Kebahan community or ethnic has been carried out by
several researchers. In general, the research that has been done is narrative-descriptive in …

Marriage Age Preference, Desire to Have Children, Children's Value, and Family Readiness among Undergraduate Students of IPB University.

SA Faradilla, E Sunarti - Journal of Family Sciences, 2024 - search.ebscohost.com
Family readiness is a way to measure a person's level of readiness to build a family and
have children. This study aimed to analyze the influence of age preferences for marriage …

Kepuasan Pernikahan pada Perkawinan Matrilineal: Bagaimana Peranan Keterbukaan Diri dan Kematangan Emosi

MC Roja, DE Santi… - Sukma: Jurnal Penelitian …, 2022 - jurnal.untag-sby.ac.id
Penelitian ini menggunakan desain penelitian kuantitatif korelasional untuk mengetahui (1)
hubungan antara keterbukaan diri dan kematangan emosi dengan kepuasan pernikahan …

Hak dan Kewajiban Suami Istri Perspektif Undang-Undang Nomor 1 Tahun 1974 Tentang Perkawinan dan Hukum Islam

RN Azizah, M Yassir - Asy-Syari'ah: Jurnal Hukum Islam, 2024 - ejournal.unzah.ac.id
Hak dan kewajiban merupakan dua hal yang tidak dapat dipisahkan, hak suami merupakan
kewajiban yang harus ditunaikan oleh istri dan hak istri merupakan hal-hal yang harus …

Toxic Relationships in Islamic Law

AMN Rizky, N Mardia… - … -Te: Jurnal Studi …, 2023 - openrecruitment.radenfatah.ac.id
Islam clearly prohibits acts of violence. Toxic relationships are part of violence, whether
physical, sexual, or verbal. Therefore, in this research, the author tries to explain toxic …

Gambaran Kepuasan Pernikahan pada Istri Bekerja di Kota Makassar

ANA Saudi, MFR Umar - Jurnal Psikologi Karakter, 2022 - journal.unibos.ac.id
Kunci utama dari kebahagiaan pasangan suami istri adalah kepuasan pernikahan.
Hambatan dari suatu pernikahan ketika isteri berperan ganda dimana harus bertugas …

The Relationship Between Love Languages and Marital Satisfaction

RRD Lestari, I Darmawanti - Character Jurnal Penelitian …, 2023 - ejournal.unesa.ac.id
In Indonesia, the number of divorce cases is still increasing. One of the causes that leads
couples to divorce is a lack of satisfaction in their relationship. Relationship satisfaction can …