Generating mathematical derivations with large language models

J Meadows, M Valentino, A Freitas - arXiv preprint arXiv:2307.09998, 2023 -
The derivation of mathematical results in specialised fields using Large Language Models
(LLMs) is an emerging research direction that can help identify models' limitations, and …

Automated argument adjudication to solve ethical problems in multi-agent environments

S Bringsjord, NS Govindarajulu… - Paladyn, Journal of …, 2021 -
Suppose an artificial agent a adj, as time unfolds,(i) receives from multiple artificial agents
(which may, in turn, themselves have received from yet other such agents…) propositional …

Argument-based inductive logics, with coverage of compromised perception

S Bringsjord, M Giancola, NS Govindarajulu… - Frontiers in Artificial …, 2024 -
Formal deductive logic, used to express and reason over declarative, axiomatizable content,
captures, we now know, essentially all of what is known in mathematics and physics, and …

Physnlu: A language resource for evaluating natural language understanding and explanation coherence in physics

J Meadows, Z Zhou, A Freitas - arXiv preprint arXiv:2201.04275, 2022 -
In order for language models to aid physics research, they must first encode representations
of mathematical and natural language discourse which lead to coherent explanations, with …

Toward axiomatizing consciousness

S Bringsjord, P Bello, NS Govindarajulu - The bloomsbury companion …, 2018 -
With your eyes closed, consider numberhood; put another way, consider this question: What
is a number? Presumably if you engage the question in earnest (and if you're not a logician …

Similarity-based equational inference in physics

J Meadows, A Freitas - Physical Review Research, 2021 - APS
Automating the derivation of published results is a challenge, in part due to the informal use
of mathematics by physicists compared to that of mathematicians. Following demand, we …

Nuclear deterrence and the logic of deliberative mindreading

S Bringsjord, NS Govindarajulu, S Ellis… - Cognitive Systems …, 2014 - Elsevier
Although the computational modeling of “mindreading”(eg, believing that you believe that
there'sa deadly boa in the box, Smith mindreadingly predicts that you will refrain from …

Comparing classical and relativistic kinematics in first-order logic

K Lefever, G Székely - Logique et Analyse, 2018 -
The aim of this paper is to present a new logic-based understanding of the connection
between classical kinematics and relativistic kinematics. We show that the axioms of special …

[PDF][PDF] On logicist agent-based economics

S Bringsjord, NS Govindarajulu, J Licato… - Proceedings of …, 2015 -
We share herein information about our logicist agent-based approach to economics. This
approach is: rooted in a space (CC) of singularly expressive computational logics (cognitive …

Leibniz's art of infallibility, Watson, and the philosophy, theory, and future of AI

S Bringsjord, NS Govindarajulu - Fundamental Issues of Artificial …, 2016 - Springer
Abstract When IBM's Deep Blue beat Kasparov in 1997, Bringsjord (Technol Rev 101 (2): 23–
28, 1998) complained that despite the impressive engineering that made this victory …