[图书][B] Regular and stochastic motion

AJ Lichtenberg, MA Lieberman - 2013 - books.google.com
This book treats stochastic motion in nonlinear oscillator systems. It describes a rapidly
growing field of nonlinear mechanics with applications to a number of areas in science and …

Observation of rare-earth segregation in silicon nitride ceramics at subnanometre dimensions

N Shibata, SJ Pennycook, TR Gosnell, GS Painter… - Nature, 2004 - nature.com
Abstract Silicon nitride (Si3N4) ceramics are used in numerous applications because of their
superior mechanical properties,. Their intrinsically brittle nature is a critical issue, but can be …

Stochastic ion heating by a lower hybrid wave

CFF Karney - 1978 - osti.gov
The motion of an ion in a lower hybrid wave in a tokamak type plasma is studied. For ions
with.. nu../sub perpendicular to/approximately greater than.. omega../k/sub perpendicular …

Stochastic ion heating at the magnetopause due to kinetic Alfvén waves

JR Johnson, CZ Cheng - Geophysical research letters, 2001 - Wiley Online Library
The magnetopause and boundary layer are typically characterized by large amplitude
transverse wave activity with frequencies below the ion cyclotron frequency. The signatures …

Chaotic electron diffusion through stochastic webs enhances current flow in superlattices

TM Fromhold, A Patane, S Bujkiewicz, PB Wilkinson… - Nature, 2004 - nature.com
Understanding how complex systems respond to change is of fundamental importance in
the natural sciences. There is particular interest in systems whose classical newtonian …

Auroral ion acceleration in dispersive Alfvén waves

CC Chaston, JW Bonnell, CW Carlson… - Journal of …, 2004 - Wiley Online Library
Observations from the FAST satellite are used to create a model for dispersive Alfvén waves
above the auroral oval. Using this model, it is shown how these waves may accelerate …

Ion Bernstein wave heating research

M Ono - Physics of Fluids B: Plasma Physics, 1993 - pubs.aip.org
Ion Bernstein wave heating (IBWH) utilizes the ion Bernstein wave (IBW), a hot plasma
wave, to carry the radio frequency (rf) power to heat the tokamak reactor core. Earlier wave …

[PDF][PDF] Stochastic acceleration by an obliquely propagating wave? An example of overlapping resonances

GR Smith - 1978 - escholarship.org
We. treat a simple problem exhibiting intrinsic stochasticity: the motion of a charged particle
in a uniform magnetic field and a single plane wave. Our detailed studies of this wave …

Scattering of ultrastrong electromagnetic waves by magnetized particles

AM Beloborodov - Physical Review Letters, 2022 - APS
Observations of powerful radio waves from neutron star magnetospheres raise the question
of how strong waves interact with particles in a strong background magnetic field B bg. This …

Demonstration of metaplectic geometrical optics for reduced modeling of plasma waves

R Højlund Marholt, MG Senstius, SK Nielsen - Physical Review E, 2024 - APS
The Wentzel, Kramers, and Brillouin (WKB) approximation of geometrical optics is widely
used in plasma physics, quantum mechanics, and reduced wave modeling, in general …