The justice cascade: The origins and effectiveness of prosecutions of human rights violations

K Sikkink, HJ Kim - Annual Review of Law and Social Science, 2013 -
The justice cascade refers to a new global trend of holding political leaders criminally
accountable for past human rights violations through domestic and international …

What we know about transitional justice: Survey and experimental evidence

R David - Political Psychology, 2017 - Wiley Online Library
Transitional justice encompasses a variety of measures devised to overcome legacies of
gross human rights violations and other historical injustices. The spread of international …

[图书][B] International human rights: A comprehensive introduction

M Haas - 2013 -
This book provides a comprehensive introduction to international human rights--
international human rights law, why international human rights have increasingly risen to …

The strategic use of state repression and political violence

HR Jacqueline - Oxford research encyclopedia of politics, 2016 -
Repression is the act of subduing someone by institutional or physical force. Political
violence is a particular form of repression involving the use of physical force to achieve …

A social science of human rights

EM Hafner-Burton - Journal of Peace Research, 2014 -
Why do governments abuse human rights, and what can be done to deter and reverse
abusive practices? This article examines the emerging social science on these two …

[图书][B] International trials and reconciliation: Assessing the impact of the international criminal tribunal for the former Yugoslavia

J Clark - 2014 -
Transitional justice is a burgeoning field of scholarly inquiry. Yet while the transitional justice
literature is replete with claims about the benefits of criminal trials, too often these claims …

[图书][B] Memory and trauma in international relations

E Resende, D Budryte - 2014 -
As Michel Foucault has famously stated,'knowledge is not made for understanding; it is
made for cutting'. In this spirit, the Edkins–Vaughan-Williams Interventions series solicits …

The (in) compatibility of peace and justice? The International Criminal Court and civil conflict termination

AK Prorok - International organization, 2017 -
Does the International Criminal Court's (ICC) pursuit of justice facilitate peace or prolong
conflict? This paper addresses the “peace versus justice” debate by examining the ICC's …

The International Criminal Court: limits, potential and conditions for the promotion of justice and peace

C Gegout - Third World Quarterly, 2013 - Taylor & Francis
ABSTRACT The International Criminal Court (icc) aims to promote not only justice, but also
peace. It has been widely criticised for doing neither, yet it has to contend with some severe …

Do TJ policies cause backlash? Evidence from street name changes in Spain

F Villamil, L Balcells - Research & Politics, 2021 -
Memories of old conflicts often shape domestic politics long after these conflicts end.
Contemporary debates about past civil wars and/or repressive regimes in different parts of …