[图书][B] Introduction to vertex operator algebras and their representations
J Lepowsky, H Li - 2004 - books.google.com
Vertex operator algebra theory is a new area of mathematics. It has been an exciting and
ever-growing subject from the beginning, starting even before R. Borcherds introduced the …
ever-growing subject from the beginning, starting even before R. Borcherds introduced the …
[图书][B] Vertex algebras and algebraic curves
E Frenkel, D Ben-Zvi - 2004 - books.google.com
Vertex algebras are algebraic objects that encapsulate the concept of operator product
expansion from two-dimensional conformal field theory. Vertex algebras are fast becoming …
expansion from two-dimensional conformal field theory. Vertex algebras are fast becoming …
On a q-analogue of the McKay correspondence and the ADE classification of sl2 conformal field theories
A Kirillov Jr, V Ostrik - Advances in Mathematics, 2002 - Elsevier
The goal of this paper is to give a category theory based definition and classification of “finite
subgroups in Uq (sl 2)” where q= eπi/l is a root of unity. We propose a definition of such a …
subgroups in Uq (sl 2)” where q= eπi/l is a root of unity. We propose a definition of such a …
Normal forms of hierarchies of integrable PDEs, Frobenius manifolds and Gromov-Witten invariants
B Dubrovin, Y Zhang - arXiv preprint math/0108160, 2001 - arxiv.org
We present a project of classification of a certain class of bihamiltonian 1+ 1 PDEs
depending on a small parameter. Our aim is to embed the theory of Gromov-Witten …
depending on a small parameter. Our aim is to embed the theory of Gromov-Witten …
On the triplet vertex algebra W (p)
D Adamović, A Milas - Advances in Mathematics, 2008 - Elsevier
We study the triplet vertex operator algebra W (p) of central charge 1− 6 (p− 1) 2p, p⩾ 2. We
show that W (p) is C2-cofinite but irrational since it admits indecomposable and logarithmic …
show that W (p) is C2-cofinite but irrational since it admits indecomposable and logarithmic …
Kazhdan-Lusztig correspondence for the representation category of the triplet W-algebra in logarithmic CFT
AM Gainutdinov, AM Semikhatov, IY Tipunin… - Theoretical and …, 2006 - Springer
To study the representation category of the triplet W-algebra W\left (p\right) that is the
symmetry of the (1, p) logarithmic conformal field theory model, we propose the equivalent …
symmetry of the (1, p) logarithmic conformal field theory model, we propose the equivalent …
[PDF][PDF] Complex projective structures
D Dumas - arXiv preprint arXiv:0902.1951, 2009 - arxiv.org
This is a survey of the theory of complex projective (CP^ 1) structures on compact surfaces.
After some preliminary discussion and definitions, we concentrate on three main topics:(1) …
After some preliminary discussion and definitions, we concentrate on three main topics:(1) …
Homotopy Batalin–Vilkovisky algebras
I Gálvez-Carrillo, A Tonks, B Valette - Journal of Noncommutative …, 2012 - ems.press
Homotopy Batalin–Vilkovisky algebras Page 1 J. Noncommut. Geom. 6 (2012), 539–602 DOI
10.4171/JNCG/99 Journal of Noncommutative Geometry © European Mathematical Society …
10.4171/JNCG/99 Journal of Noncommutative Geometry © European Mathematical Society …
Rationality of admissible affine vertex algebras in the category
T Arakawa - 2016 - projecteuclid.org
We study the vertex algebras associated with modular invariant representations of affine Kac–
Moody algebras at fractional levels, whose simple highest weight modules are classified by …
Moody algebras at fractional levels, whose simple highest weight modules are classified by …
Gaudin models with irregular singularities
We introduce a class of quantum integrable systems generalizing the Gaudin model. The
corresponding algebras of quantum Hamiltonians are obtained as quotients of the center of …
corresponding algebras of quantum Hamiltonians are obtained as quotients of the center of …