Control-flow analysis of functional programs

J Midtgaard - ACM computing surveys (CSUR), 2012 -
We present a survey of control-flow analysis of functional programs, which has been the
subject of extensive investigation throughout the past 30 years. Analyses of the control flow …

[图书][B] Partial evaluation and automatic program generation

ND Jones, CK Gomard, P Sestoft - 1993 -
Partial evaluation reconciles generality with efficiency by providing automatic specialization
and optimization of programs. Proceeding from a gentle introduction for reaching state-of-the …

Implementing lazy functional languages on stock hardware: the Spineless Tagless G-machine

SLP Jones - Journal of functional programming, 1992 -
The Spineless Tagless G-machine is an abstract machine designed to support non-strict
higher-order functional languages. This presentation of the machine falls into three parts …

MetaML and multi-stage programming with explicit annotations

W Taha, T Sheard - Theoretical computer science, 2000 - Elsevier
We introduce MetaML, a practically motivated, statically typed multi-stage programming
language. MetaML is a “real” language. We have built an implementation and used it to …

Multi-stage programming with explicit annotations

W Taha, T Sheard - Proceedings of the 1997 ACM SIGPLAN symposium …, 1997 -
We introduce MetaML, a statically-typed multi-stage programming language extending
Nielson and Nielson's two stage notation to an arbitrary number of stages. MetaML extends …

[PDF][PDF] Representing control: A study of the CPS transformation

O DANVY1y, A Filinski - 1992 - Citeseer
This paper investigates the transformation of v-terms into continuation-passing style (CPS).
We show that by appropriate-expansion of Fischer and Plotkin's two-pass equational speci …

Tutorial notes on partial evaluation

C Consel, O Danvy - Proceedings of the 20th ACM SIGPLAN-SIGACT …, 1993 -
Tutorial notes on partial evaluation Page 1 Tutorial Notes on Partial Evaluation Charles Consel
Olivier Danvy Pacific Software Research Center Department of Computing and Info. Sciences …

[图书][B] Multistage programming: its theory and applications

WM Taha - 1999 -
MetaML is a statically typed functional programming language with special support for
program generation. In addition to providing the standard features of contemporary …

A positive supercompiler

MH Soerensen, R Glück, ND Jones - Journal of functional …, 1996 -
We introduce a positive supercompiler, a version of Turchin's supercompiler maintaining
only positive information during transformation, and using folding without generalization …

Intersection types and computational effects

R Davies, F Pfenning - Proceedings of the fifth ACM SIGPLAN …, 2000 -
We show that standard formulations of intersection type systems are unsound in the
presence of computational effects, and propose a solution similar to the value restriction for …