Embeddedness and the intellectual projects of economic sociology

GR Krippner, AS Alvarez - Annu. Rev. Sociol., 2007 - annualreviews.org
In this review, we explore how the concept of embeddedness has shaped—and been
shaped by—the evolution of the subfield of economic sociology. Although embeddedness is …

New economics of sociological criminology

B McCarthy - Annual Review of Sociology, 2002 - annualreviews.org
▪ Abstract This paper begins with a summary of the rational choice approach and its
implications for the study of criminal behavior. I then review research on offending that uses …

Can rational choice be considered a general theory of crime? Evidence from individual‐level panel data

TA Loughran, R Paternoster, A Chalfin, T Wilson - Criminology, 2016 - Wiley Online Library
In the last few decades, rational choice theory has emerged as a bedrock theory in the fields
of economics, sociology, psychology, and political science. Although rational choice theory …

The impact of incarceration on employment during the transition to adulthood

R Apel, G Sweeten - Social problems, 2010 - academic.oup.com
The research findings with respect to the relationship between incarceration and
employment are consistent enough that it is tempting to conclude that incarceration causes …

Which criminogenic need changes are most important in promoting desistance from crime and substance use?

A Wooditch, LL Tang… - Criminal justice and …, 2014 - journals.sagepub.com
Andrews and Bonta identified the following criminogenic needs as important to reducing
offending: substance use, antisocial cognition, antisocial associates, family and marital …

Emotions and crime over the life course: A neo-Meadian perspective on criminal continuity and change

PC Giordano, RD Schroeder… - American Journal of …, 2007 - journals.uchicago.edu
A symbolic interactionist perspective on the emotions is presented that highlights their social
character, forges links to cognitive processes, and suggests ways in which emotions …

Continuity and change in gang membership and gang embeddedness

DC Pyrooz, G Sweeten… - Journal of Research in …, 2013 - journals.sagepub.com
Objectives. Drawing from social network and life-course frameworks, the authors extend
Hagan's concept of criminal embeddedness to embeddedness within gangs. This study …

[图书][B] Confessions of a dying thief

DJ Steffensmeier - 2017 - taylorfrancis.com
* Recipient of the American Society of Criminology's 2006 Michael J. Hindelang Award for a
book, published within the past three calendar years, that is" the most outstanding …

[图书][B] The ex-prisoner's dilemma: How women negotiate competing narratives of reentry and desistance

AM Leverentz - 2014 - books.google.com
When a woman leaves prison, she enters a world of competing messages and conflicting
advice. Staff from prison, friends, family members, workers at halfway houses and treatment …

Women coming home: Long‐term patterns of recidivism

BM Huebner, C DeJong, J Cobbina - Justice Quarterly, 2010 - Taylor & Francis
Drawing on recent scholarship on prisoner reentry and gendered pathways to crime, this
research explores how social relationships, incarceration experiences, and community …