Leave policies in Southern Europe: continuities and changes

A Escobedo, K Wall - Community, Work & Family, 2015 - Taylor & Francis
This contribution addresses the challenge of reviewing Southern European welfare states by
analysing how developments in leave policies are generating common or divergent trends …

¿ Hacia un nuevo modelo de paternidad? Discursos sobre el proceso de implicación paterna en la España urbana: Toward a New Model of Fatherhood? Discourses …

M Barbeta-Viñas, T Cano - Reis: Revista española de investigaciones …, 2017 - JSTOR
En las últimas décadas los estudios cuantitativos han demostrado un aumento en la
implicación paterna. Estos cambios han supuesto la emergencia de la hipótesis de un …

Impact of Joint Physical Custody and Best Interest of the Child: Reflections from a Critical Review of Empirical Studies

M Ortega-Gaspar, A Moreno-Mínguez… - Journal of Divorce & …, 2022 - Taylor & Francis
The main goal of this study is to perform a critical literature review of empirical research that
measures the effects of joint physical custody (JPC) on children's and parents' wellbeing …

Toward a new model of fatherhood? Discourses on the process of paternal involvement in urban Spain

M Barbeta-Viñas, T Cano - Revista Española de …, 2017 - ingentaconnect.com
En las últimas décadas los estudios cuantitativos han demostrado un aumento en la
implicación paterna. Estos cambios han supuesto la emergencia de la hipótesis de un …

La implicación paterna en el cuidado de los hijos en España antes y durante la recesión económica

L Navarro-Varas, FA Alonso, NR Forès… - … . Revista Española de …, 2019 - dialnet.unirioja.es
Este artículo analiza los factores que inciden en la implicación paterna en el cuidado de los
hijos. La importancia analítica del cuidado de los menores radica tanto en su elevada …

Changes in fathers' and mothers' time with children: Spain, 2002–2010

T Cano - European Sociological Review, 2019 - academic.oup.com
Parental time spent with children is a critical determinant for a child's cognitive, educational,
and socio-emotional development. Using two waves of the Spanish Time Use Surveys, this …

A socio-structural perspective on family model preferences, gender roles and work–family attitudes in Spain

A Moreno-Mínguez, M Ortega-Gaspar… - Social sciences, 2018 - mdpi.com
Since the early 1990s, the diversity of work–family arrangement models has increased in
Spain. It is difficult to understand this phenomenon without attending to the Spanish …

Understanding the meaning of conformity to feminine norms in lifestyle habits and health: A cluster analysis

S Esteban-Gonzalo, P Sik Ying Ho… - International Journal of …, 2020 - mdpi.com
Background: Gender roles impact different spheres of life and lead women to behavioral
patterns and lifestyle habits associated with femininity, generating important differences …

The role of family policy in explaining the international variation in child subjective well-being

AM Mínguez - Social Indicators Research, 2017 - Springer
The article proposes an innovative analyse for cross-national differences in the subjective
child well-being introducing new indicators and measures. This dimension addresses the …

Formal and Informal Workplace Support for New Fathers in Spain

T Jurado-Guerrero, JM Monferrer… - Fathers, childcare and …, 2018 - emerald.com
Most studies on work–life support at workplaces consider work–life balance to be a women's
issue, either explicitly or implicitly. This chapter analyses how fathers who are involved …