Future accessibility impacts of transport policy scenarios: Equity and sensitivity to travel time thresholds for Bus Rapid Transit expansion in Rio de Janeiro

RHM Pereira - Journal of Transport Geography, 2019 - Elsevier
The accessibility impacts of transport projects ex-post implementation are generally
evaluated using cumulative opportunity measures based on a single travel time threshold …

Distributional effects of transport policies on inequalities in access to opportunities in Rio de Janeiro

RHM Pereira, D Banister, T Schwanen… - Journal of Transport and …, 2019 - JSTOR
The evaluation of social impacts of transport policies has been attracting growing attention in
recent years. Yet studies thus far have predominately focused on developed countries and …

Transport legacy of mega-events and the redistribution of accessibility to urban destinations

RHM Pereira - Cities, 2018 - Elsevier
Local governments increasingly justify the hosting of mega-events because of their legacy
value, assuming that all local residents benefit from those events. Yet, little attention has …

[图书][B] The politics of blackness: Racial identity and political behavior in contemporary Brazil

GL Mitchell - 2018 - books.google.com
This book uses an intersectional approach to analyze the impact of the experience of race
on Afro-Brazilian political behavior in the cities of Salvador, São Paulo, and Rio de Janeiro …

[HTML][HTML] A questão da mobilidade urbana nas metrópoles brasileiras

V Pero, V Stefanelli - Revista de economia contemporânea, 2015 - SciELO Brasil
RESUMO O tempo de deslocamento de casa ao trabalho tem se elevado substancialmente
nas regiões metropolitanas brasileiras durante a última década. Esse fenômeno tem …

Qué es y qué no es segregación residencial. Contribuciones para un debate pendiente

GM Rodríguez - 2014 - ri.conicet.gov.ar
El concepto de segregación residencial permanece huérfano de una definición teórica
precisa y significativa en ciencias sociales. Ante los recurrentes usos y abusos a los que se …

Distributive justice and transportation equity: inequality in accessibility in Rio de Janeiro

R Pereira - 2018 - ora.ox.ac.uk
Public transport policies play a key role in shaping the social and spatial structure of cities.
These policies influence how easily people can access opportunities, including health and …

[PDF][PDF] Que es y que no es segregación residencial. Contribuciones para un debate pendiente

GMR Merkel - Biblio 3W. Revista Bibliográfica de Geografía y …, 2014 - core.ac.uk
El concepto de segregación residencial permanece huérfano de una definición teórica
precisa y significativa en ciencias sociales. Ante los recurrentes usos y abusos a los que se …

[HTML][HTML] Desafios urbanos à democratização do acesso às oportunidades educacionais nas metrópoles brasileiras

LCQ Ribeiro, MC Koslinski, C Zuccarelli… - Educação & …, 2016 - SciELO Brasil
O presente artigo sistematiza o progresso da pesquisa sobre os padrões de organização
social do território das metrópoles brasileiras e seus impactos nos mecanismos de …

Concentrated poverty and neighbourhood effects: Youth marginalisation in Buenos Aires' informal settlements

E Lépore, S Simpson Lapp - Oxford Development Studies, 2018 - Taylor & Francis
This paper provides evidence for the relationship between concentrated poverty as
manifested in the informal settlements and the labour market in the city of Buenos Aires. It …