[图书][B] The Palgrave handbook of volunteering, civic participation, and nonprofit associations

DH Smith, RA Stebbins, J Grotz - 2017 - books.google.com
Written by over 200 leading experts from over seventy countries, this handbook provides a
comprehensive, state-of-the-art overview of the latest theory and research on volunteering …

Learning in struggle: Argentina's new worker cooperatives as transformative learning organizations

M Vieta - Relations industrielles, 2014 - erudit.org
This article considers Argentina's empresas recuperadas por sus trabajadores (worker-
recuperated enterprises, or ERTs) as transformative learning organizations. ERTs are …

Participation in worker cooperatives

DH Smith, DH Smith, DH Smith, DH Smith… - The Palgrave handbook …, 2016 - Springer
This chapter discusses different models of worker cooperatives ranging from those that are
predominantly economic associations, or a form of employee ownership, to those that are …

Argentina's Worker-Recuperated Enterprises, 2010-2013: A Synthesis of Recent Empirical Findings

A Ruggeri, M Vieta - Journal of Entrepreneurial and Organizational …, 2015 - papers.ssrn.com
Argentina's empresas recuperadas por sus trabajadores (worker-recuperated enterprises,
ERTs) are formerly investor-or privately-owned businesses in crisis ultimately taken over …

[PDF][PDF] O retorno do caracol à sua concha: alienação e desalienação em cooperativas e associações de trabalhadores

HT Novaes - São Paulo, SP: Expressão Popular, 2010 - edisciplinas.usp.br
Este capítulo pretende retomar as críticas de alguns autores marxistas que se pronunciaram
sobre a necessidade de coordenação global da produção pelos produtores associados. Em …

Reflexiones sobre la autogestión en las empresas recuperadas argentinas

A Ruggeri - Estudios. Revista de Pensamiento Libertario, 2011 - dialnet.unirioja.es
La actual crisis capitalista trae a la memoria las movilizaciones y luchas que se dieron en la
Argentina en la gran crisis de diciembre de 2001 y los meses siguientes. En esa coyuntura …

Between class and the market: Self-management in theory and in the practice of worker-recuperated enterprises in Argentina

M Atzeni, M Vieta - The Routledge companion to alternative …, 2014 - api.taylorfrancis.com
In mainstream organizational and economic theory, and more broadly amongst business
leaders, managers, and within news media punditry, there is widespread scepticism about …

[图书][B] Creating Third Spaces of Learning for Post-Capitalism: Lessons from Educators, Artists, and Activists

GL Anderson, D Desai, AI Heras, CA Spreen - 2023 - taylorfrancis.com
In this book, the authors' post-capitalist approach to change focuses less on what we need to
dismantle and more on what educators and activists are building in its place. Studying …

From managed employees to self-managed workers: The transformations of labour at Argentina's worker-recuperated enterprises

M Vieta - Alternative work organizations, 2012 - Springer
Argentina's empresas recuperadas por sus trabajadores (worker-recuperated enterprises, or
ERTs) began to emerge in the early 1990s. They became consolidated in the late 1990s to …

[HTML][HTML] Empresas recuperadas en Argentina: producciones, espacios y tiempos de género

MI Fernández Álvarez, F Partenio - Tabula rasa, 2010 - scielo.org.co
Una de las experiencias de movilización social que más ha llamado la atención en
Argentina en los últimos años fueron las empresas y fábricas recuperadas. Esta …