Roadmap on Atomtronics: State of the art and perspective
Atomtronics deals with matter-wave circuits of ultracold atoms manipulated through
magnetic or laser-generated guides with different shapes and intensities. In this way, new …
magnetic or laser-generated guides with different shapes and intensities. In this way, new …
One-dimensional quantum liquids: Beyond the Luttinger liquid paradigm
A Imambekov, TL Schmidt, LI Glazman - Reviews of Modern Physics, 2012 - APS
For many years, the Luttinger liquid theory has served as a useful paradigm for the
description of one-dimensional (1D) quantum fluids in the limit of low energies. This theory is …
description of one-dimensional (1D) quantum fluids in the limit of low energies. This theory is …
Thermalization near integrability in a dipolar quantum Newton's cradle
Isolated quantum many-body systems with integrable dynamics generically do not
thermalize when taken far from equilibrium. As one perturbs such systems away from the …
thermalize when taken far from equilibrium. As one perturbs such systems away from the …
Strongly dipolar Bose-Einstein condensate of dysprosium
We report the Bose-Einstein condensation (BEC) of the most magnetic element, dysprosium.
The Dy BEC is the first for an open f-shell lanthanide (rare-earth) element and is produced …
The Dy BEC is the first for an open f-shell lanthanide (rare-earth) element and is produced …
Ultracold Fermi gases with emergent SU (N) symmetry
MA Cazalilla, AM Rey - Reports on Progress in Physics, 2014 -
We review recent experimental and theoretical progress on ultracold alkaline-earth Fermi
gases with emergent SU (N) symmetry. Emphasis is placed on describing the ground …
gases with emergent SU (N) symmetry. Emphasis is placed on describing the ground …
Realizing topological edge states with Rydberg-atom synthetic dimensions
A discrete degree of freedom can be engineered to match the Hamiltonian of particles
moving in a real-space lattice potential. Such synthetic dimensions are powerful tools for …
moving in a real-space lattice potential. Such synthetic dimensions are powerful tools for …
Quantum simulation of an extra dimension
We present a general strategy to simulate a D+ 1-dimensional quantum system using a D-
dimensional one. We analyze in detail a feasible implementation of our scheme using …
dimensional one. We analyze in detail a feasible implementation of our scheme using …
Laser cooling for quantum gases
F Schreck, K Druten - Nature Physics, 2021 -
Laser cooling exploits the physics of light scattering to cool atomic and molecular gases to
close to absolute zero. It is the crucial initial step for essentially all atomic gas experiments in …
close to absolute zero. It is the crucial initial step for essentially all atomic gas experiments in …
Continuous bose–einstein condensation
CC Chen, R González Escudero, J Minář, B Pasquiou… - Nature, 2022 -
Abstract Bose–Einstein condensates (BECs) are macroscopic coherent matter waves that
have revolutionized quantum science and atomic physics. They are important to quantum …
have revolutionized quantum science and atomic physics. They are important to quantum …
Gauge fields for ultracold atoms in optical superlattices
F Gerbier, J Dalibard - New Journal of Physics, 2010 -
We present a scheme that produces a strong U (1)-like gauge field on cold atoms confined
in a two-dimensional square optical lattice. Our proposal relies on two essential features, a …
in a two-dimensional square optical lattice. Our proposal relies on two essential features, a …