[HTML][HTML] Parametrization of generalized triangle groups and construction of substitution-box for medical image encryption

AZ Abbasi, A Rafiq, L Kolsi - Journal of King Saud University-Computer and …, 2024 - Elsevier
The construction of strong encryption techniques is crucial to meet the increasing demand
for secure transmission as well as storage of medical images. A substitution box (S-Box) is …


F Birol, O Koruoglu, R Sahin… - Honam Mathematical …, 2019 - koreascience.kr
We consider the extended generalized Hecke groups ${\bar {H}} _ {3, q} $ generated by $ X
(z)=-(z-1)^{-1} $, $ Y (z)=-(z+{\lambda} _q)^{-1} $ with ${\lambda} _q= 2\; cos ({\frac {\pi}{q}}) …

Reciprocity in the Hecke groups

D Das, K Gongopadhyay - arXiv preprint arXiv:2307.00496, 2023 - arxiv.org
An element $ g $ in a group $ G $ is called\emph {reciprocal} if there exists $ h\in G $ such
that $ g^{-1}= hgh^{-1} $. The reciprocal elements are also known asreal elements' …

Genişletilmiş modüler grubun H ̅_3, 3 alt grubu ve Fibonacci sayıları

F Birol, Ö Koruoğlu, B Demir - Balıkesir Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri …, 2018 - dergipark.org.tr
Bu çalışmada tam katsayılı otomorfizma ve anti-otomorfizmaların grubu olan genişletilmiş
modüler grubun H ̅_3, 3 alt grubunun elemanları ve Fibonacci sayıları arasındaki ilişki …

[PDF][PDF] On normal subgroups of generalized Hecke groups

B Demir, Ö Koruoğlu, R Sahin - Analele ştiinţifice ale Universităţii" …, 2016 - sciendo.com
We consider the generalized Hecke groups Hp, q generated by X (z)=−(z− λp)− 1, Y (z)=−(z+
λq)− 1 with λp= 2 cos (π p) and λq= 2 cos (π q) where 2≤ p≤ q<∞, p+ q> 4. In this work we …

Power and free normal subgroups of generalized Hecke groups

R Sahin, T Meral, Ö Koruoğlu - Asian-European Journal of …, 2020 - World Scientific
Let p and q be integers such that 2≤ p≤ q, p+ q> 4 and let H p, q be generalized Hecke
group associated to p and q. Generalized Hecke group H p, q is generated by X (z)=−(z− λ …

[PDF][PDF] Some normal subgroups of extended generalized Hecke groups

B Demir, Ö Koruoğlu, R Şahin - Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics …, 2016 - dergipark.org.tr
Generalized Hecke group H p,∞(λ) is generated by X (z)=−(z− λ p)− 1and Y (z)=−(z+ λ)− 1
where λ p= 2 cos πp, p≥ 2 integer and λ≥ 2. Extended generalized Hecke group H p,∞(λ) …

Commutator subgroups of generalized Hecke and extended generalized Hecke groups, II

G DOĞRAYICI, R Şahin - Turkish Journal of Mathematics, 2020 - journals.tubitak.gov.tr
Abstract Let $ p_ {1},\\cdots,\p_ {n} $ be integers where $ n\geq 2$ and each $ p_ {i}\geq 2$.
Let also $ H (p_ {1},\\cdots,\p_ {n}) $ be the generalized Hecke group associated to all $ p …

Commutator subgroups of the power subgroups of generalized Hecke groups

Ö Koruoğlu, T Meral, R Sahin - Algebra and Discrete …, 2019 - dspace.nbuv.gov.ua
Let p, q≥ 2 be relatively prime integers and let Hp, q be the generalized Hecke group
associated to p and q. The generalized Hecke group Hp, q is generated by X (z)=−(z− λp)⁻ ¹ …

[PDF][PDF] Genişletilmiş modüler grubun, alt grubu ve Fibonacci sayıları

F BİROL, Ö KORUOĞLU, B DEMİR - academia.edu
Özet Bu çalışmada tam katsayılı otomorfizma ve anti-otomorfizmaların grubu olan
genişletilmiş modüler grubun, alt grubunun elemanları ve Fibonacci sayıları arasındaki ilişki …