Sixty years of fear appeal research: Current state of the evidence

RAC Ruiter, LTE Kessels, GJY Peters… - International journal of …, 2014 - Wiley Online Library
Fear arousal is widely used in persuasive campaigns and behavioral change interventions.
Yet, experimental evidence argues against the use of threatening health information. The …

Bioecosystems towards sustainable agricultural extension delivery: Effects of various factors

E Siankwilimba, C Mumba, BM Hang'ombe… - Environment …, 2023 - Springer
This review aims to explore factors that enhance the sustainability of agricultural extension
systems in the traditional institution bioecosystem to deliver educational information. The …

Information avoidance during health crises: Predictors of avoiding information about the COVID-19 pandemic among german news consumers

E Link - Information Processing & Management, 2021 - Elsevier
This study investigates the prevalence of source-specific information avoidance among
German consumers and predictors of information-avoidance behavior in the context of the …


DJ O'keefe - The handbook of communication skills, 2006 -
One common obstacle to the audience's embracing the persuader's advocated action or
viewpoint is the audience's current attitudes, that is, the audience's general evaluations (of …

[图书][B] Skilled interpersonal communication: Research, theory and practice

O Hargie - 2021 -
Established as the foremost textbook on communication, the seventh edition of Owen
Hargie's Skilled Interpersonal Communication is thoroughly revised and updated with the …

Paths to the light and dark sides of human nature: A meta-analytic review of the prosocial benefits of autonomy and the antisocial costs of control.

JN Donald, EL Bradshaw, JH Conigrave… - Psychological …, 2021 -
Self-determination theory (SDT) posits that experiences of autonomy lead people to be more
prosocial, whereas experiences of control lead to antisocial actions. In this meta-analysis …

Daily stress and the benefits of mindfulness: Examining the daily and longitudinal relations between present-moment awareness and stress responses

JN Donald, PWB Atkins, PD Parker, AM Christie… - Journal of Research in …, 2016 - Elsevier
Theories of mindfulness claim that a state of present-moment awareness enhances self-
regulation in the presence of negative emotion. However, very little research has tested this …

Applying social norms interventions to increase adherence to COVID-19 prevention and control guidelines

SD Young, NJ Goldstein - Preventive Medicine, 2021 - Elsevier
Despite widespread national, state, and local guidelines for COVID-19 prevention, including
social distancing and mask orders, many people continue to not adhere to …

Protection motivation theory in information systems security research: A review of the past and a road map for the future

S Haag, M Siponen, F Liu - ACM SIGMIS Database: the DATABASE for …, 2021 -
Protection motivation theory (PMT) is one of the most commonly used theories to examine
information security behaviors. Our systematic review of the application of PMT in …

Cognitive dissonance, ego-involvement, and motivated reasoning

CJ Carpenter - Annals of the International Communication …, 2019 - Taylor & Francis
One of the enduring topics for persuasion research is motivated reasoning, when people
respond to persuasive messages in ways other than seeking to form an accurate attitude …