Money as an indicator: to make use of economic evaluation for biodiversity conservation

I Bräuer - Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 2003 - Elsevier
Environmental economics has developed methods to use a common indicator (money) for
environmental policy decisions. This indicator allows cost-benefit analyses (CBAs) for an …

Review of methods and evidence for economic valuation of agricultural non-commodity outputs and suggestions to facilitate its application to broader decisional …

L Madureira, T Rambonilaza, I Karpinski - Agriculture, ecosystems & …, 2007 - Elsevier
Economic valuation provides information for the relative values of environmental and
recreational spatial services and other goods such as healthy and safe food, whose …

Valuing the non-market production of agriculture

M Ahlheim, O Fror - German Journal of Agricultural …, 2003 -
As a consequence of the negotiations for a new agricultural policy of the EU the
multifunctionality of agricultural production has come into new prominence in the public. The …

Valuation of ecological impacts—a regional approach using the ecological footprint concept

M Knaus, D Löhr, B O'Regan - Environmental impact assessment review, 2006 - Elsevier
All economic activities impact on the environment but not all environmental impacts are
assigned values and taken into consideration in development budgets. At project level, the …

A bibliography and database on forest benefit valuation studies from Austria, France, Germany, and Switzerland–A possible base for a concerted European approach

P Elsasser, J Meyerhoff, C Montagné… - Journal of Forest …, 2009 - Elsevier
This article briefly presents the structure and the content of a database on forest valuation
studies in France and in the German-speaking countries (Austria, Germany, and …

Value, institutional complementarity and variety in coupled socio-ecological systems

FW Gatzweiler - Ecosystem Services, 2014 - Elsevier
Taking an interdisciplinary and complex systems approach, theoretical ground is prepared
for bridging the divide between economic value assessments and adequate policy …

[PDF][PDF] ökonomische Bewertung ökologischer Leistungen

J Meyerhoff - Schriftenreihe des IÖW, 1998 -
Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es, die mögliche Bedeutung der ökonomischen Bewertung von Natur
und Landschaft im Rahmen der „ökologischen Forschung in der Stromlandschaft Elbe" …

[图书][B] Wahrnehmung und ökonomische Bewertung waldbasierter kultureller Ökosystemleistungen mit und ohne Erholungsbezug durch die bayerische Bevölkerung

P Sacher - 2020 -
Das Thema Artenschutz und allgemeiner, der menschliche Umgang mit der Natur, wird in
der heutigen Zeit global intensiv diskutiert, wobei besonders in den Industrienationen ein …

Conservation in Germany's agrarian countryside and the world economy.

U Hampicke - 1999 -
Following an introduction, an overview of the development of Central Europe's agrarian
countryside is presented focusing on the 3 periods: up to AD 1750, 1750-1950, and post …

[PDF][PDF] Sustainable land use: an interdisciplinary demonstration project in northeast Germany

T Kalettka, K Helming, H Kächele… - … the Global Farm …, 1999 -
Economically sound agricultural practices often contradict ecological and aesthetic land
management objectives. Financial incentive programs are one possibility to promote more …