[图书][B] Bede and the End of Time

P Darby - 2016 - taylorfrancis.com
Bede (c. 673-735) was the leading intellectual figure of the Anglo-Saxon Church, and his
writings had a profound influence on the development of English Christian thought. Among …

[图书][B] Angels in early medieval England

R Sowerby - 2016 - books.google.com
In the modern world, angels can often seem to be no more than a symbol, but in the Middle
Ages men and women thought differently. Some offered prayers intended to secure the …

[图书][B] Heaven and Earth in Anglo-Saxon England: Theology and Society in an Age of Faith

HF Forbes - 2016 - taylorfrancis.com
Christian theology and religious belief were crucially important to Anglo-Saxon society, and
are manifest in the surviving textual, visual and material evidence. This is the first full-length …

[图书][B] Bede and the cosmos: theology and nature in the eighth century

E Ahern - 2020 - taylorfrancis.com
Bede and the Cosmos examines Bede's cosmology—his understanding of the universe and
its laws. It explores his ideas regarding both the structure and mechanics of the created …

The Execution and Burial of Criminals in Early Medieval England, c. 850-1150: an examination of changes in judicial punishment across the Norman Conquest

A Mattison - 2016 - etheses.whiterose.ac.uk
In later Anglo-Saxon England, executed offenders and, probably also, other social deviants
were separated from the rest of the community in death. They were buried in cemeteries far …

The Originality of the Orrmulum

L Ashe - Early Middle English, 2019 - muse.jhu.edu
This essay proposes that the Early Middle English Orrmulum, written in precocious isolation
in the 1160s, deserves thorough reconsideration as an important marker in the development …

[图书][B] Writing the World in Early Medieval England

NG Discenza, H Estes - 2023 - cambridge.org
The early medieval English were far more diverse and better connected to a broader world.
Their writings reveal substantial interest in Europe, Asia, and Africa while they situated …

The Date and Intellectual Milieu of the Early Middle English Vices and Virtues

S Pelle - Neophilologus, 2015 - Springer
One of the least understood texts written during the transition from Old to Middle English is
Vices and Virtues, a religious dialogue surviving in London, British Library, Stowe 34 (s. xiii …

Prayers and Protection: The Tower at Torba Reconsidered

MF Lešák - Arte Lombarda, 2018 - JSTOR
This article attempts to introduce a reconsideration regarding the murals at the tower at
Torba. Firstly, it focus on its relatively scarce historiography, which can be explained by …

Visions of the otherworld: The accounts of Fursey and Dryhthelm in Bede's Historia ecclesiastica and the Homilies of Ælfric

R Bassi - Art and Mysticism, 2018 - taylorfrancis.com
Roberta Bassi explores ways in which the Anglo-Saxon authors Bede and Ælfric of
Eynsham worked with images and ideas of the afterlife in the eighth and tenth centuries …