Обзор исследований в области повышения эффективности мультимодальных перевозок на основе технологических решений
МИ Малышев - Научный вестник Московского государственного …, 2020 - cyberleninka.ru
В процессе обзора российских и зарубежных исследований в области
мультимодальных перевозок грузов рассмотрены существующие методы повышения …
мультимодальных перевозок грузов рассмотрены существующие методы повышения …
Research review on improving the efficiency of multimodal transportation based on technological solutions
MI Malyshev - Civil Aviation High Technologies, 2020 - avia.mstuca.ru
During the process of analyzing Russian and foreign studies in the field of multimodal cargo
transportation, existing methods for improving the efficiency of the multimodal transport …
transportation, existing methods for improving the efficiency of the multimodal transport …
A multi-agent based simulation model for rail–rail transshipment: An engineering approach for gantry crane scheduling
Le Havre Port Authority is putting into service a multimodal hub terminal with massified
hinterland links (trains and barges) in order to restrict the intensive use of roads, to achieve a …
hinterland links (trains and barges) in order to restrict the intensive use of roads, to achieve a …
An improving agent-based engineering strategy for minimizing unproductive situations of cranes in a rail–rail transshipment yard
Nowadays, seaports seek to achieve a better massification (massive transportation of
containers) share of their hinterland transport by promoting rail and river connections in …
containers) share of their hinterland transport by promoting rail and river connections in …
RETRACTED: Port Terminal Performance Evaluation and Modeling
GV Mouafo Nebot, H Wang - Logistics, 2022 - mdpi.com
Background: The efficiency and competitiveness of port supply chain entities are two critical
concerns for maritime transport that must constantly be enhanced. This paper presents an …
concerns for maritime transport that must constantly be enhanced. This paper presents an …
Determining value of logistics costs in projects: empirical findings based-on executing several cement projects in Indonesia
E Subiyanto, YT Suyoto - Heliyon, 2020 - cell.com
This research tries to shed light on precise values of logistics costs that so far undisclosed.
The values are important for every project planners to evaluate, control and monitoring, and …
The values are important for every project planners to evaluate, control and monitoring, and …
A simulation-optimisation study for comparison of new logistics systems at Le Havre Port
This paper presents a comparison of two logistic systems including an intermediate platform
for the collection and delivery of containers with the maritime container terminals in Le Havre …
for the collection and delivery of containers with the maritime container terminals in Le Havre …
Optimization of containers transfer in le havre port: A new algorithm for the railway transportation system
This paper introduces the rail shuttle routing problem with synchronization constraints in
which rail shuttles carry out the transfer of containers between maritime terminals and the …
which rail shuttles carry out the transfer of containers between maritime terminals and the …
Prilog optimizaciji sustava obalnog linijskog pomorskoputničkog prometa
A Mišura - 2023 - unirepository.svkri.uniri.hr
Sažetak Temeljni uvjet za uspješan gospodarski razvoj svake suvremene države je
učinkovit prometni sustav. Pomorske države, u okviru učinkovitoga prometnog sustava …
učinkovit prometni sustav. Pomorske države, u okviru učinkovitoga prometnog sustava …
Optimisation des problèmes de transport multimodal
M Oudani - 2016 - theses.hal.science
Cette thèse est une contribution aux travaux de recherche sur l'optimisation des problèmes
du transport multimodal. Les principaux concepts clé de la multimodalité dans les réseaux …
du transport multimodal. Les principaux concepts clé de la multimodalité dans les réseaux …