Dialogic meaning-making in political settings: An introduction

E Weizman, Z Livnat - Pragmatics and Society, 2022 - jbe-platform.com
The goal of this special issue is to investigate the forms and functions of dialogicity in
political discourse. Starting with the premise that the boundaries between monologue and …

Discourse and political culture

M Kranert - 2019 - torrossa.com
Discourse and Political Culture Page 1 MICHAEL KRAnERT DIsCOuRsE APPROACHEs
TOPOLITICs, sOCIETY AnD CuLTuRE Discourse and Political Culture The language of the …

Introduction: Discursive Approaches to Populism Across Disciplines

M Kranert - Discursive Approaches to Populism Across Disciplines …, 2020 - Springer
This chapter introduces the themes of the volume: populism research and discourse studies.
It gives a detailed and state-of-the-art overview of concepts in populism research as well as …

The people, the parliament, and the ultimate power: Competing political party discourses on sovereignty in post-Brexit Scotland

N Gérard - Sovereignty through Practice, 2025 - taylorfrancis.com
The 2016 Brexit referendum on EU membership has rekindled the constitutional debate in
the UK, particularly in Scotland, where a second independence referendum was promised …

Tale om tryggleik Dominerande diskursar i styringa av samfunnstryggleiks¬ feltet på sentralt politisk nivå 2000-2021

B Rekve - 2023 - brage.inn.no
Korleis talar regjeringa og Stortinget om tryggleik? Hovudspørsmålet for studien er: Kva for
diskursar dominerer styringa av samfunnstryggleiks-feltet på sentralt politisk nivå, og korleis …