Carbon nanotube membranes in water treatment applications

M Barrejón, M Prato - Advanced Materials Interfaces, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
Carbon nanotube (CNT)‐based membranes combine the promising properties of CNTs with
the advantages of membrane separation technologies, offering enhanced membrane …

Laws of cresol-vapor sorption on highly porous materials of biomodified flax shive

CV Aleeva, OV Lepilova, SA Koksharov - Protection of Metals and Physical …, 2022 - Springer
To obtain effective mesoporous sorbents for air purification, flax shive was modified by
biocatalyzed cleavage of hemicelluloses and pectin substances using fermentation products …

Cutting-Edge Innovations in Nanomaterial-Enhanced Membranes for Industrial Effluent Remediation

V Vedarethinam - … of Emerging Contaminants in Water. Volume 2, 2024 - ACS Publications
Membrane technology has emerged as a highly effective solution for pollutant removal,
particularly evident in the success of membrane distillation. This method not only addresses …

Differentiated Evaluation of the Sorption Activity of Biomodified Flax Shive Polymers in Relation to Phenol Vapor and meta-Cresol

SA Koksharov, OV Lepilova, SV Aleeva - Protection of Metals and Physical …, 2023 - Springer
The methods of scanning electron microscopy and low-temperature nitrogen adsorption
were applied to assess the state of the surface and the formation of a multimodal pore …

Comparative isothermal study of phenolic removal from water using different forms of rice husk

MI Jalees, A Javed, A Iqbal, N Zahara… - Desalination and Water …, 2022 - Elsevier
Phenolic compounds are present in human food, pharmaceuticals, dyes, antiseptics,
cosmetics pesticides, and traditional medicine. Phenolic compounds are very toxic to …

Дифференцированная оценка сорбционной активности полимеров биомодифицированной льняной костры в отношении паров фенола и мета-крезола

СА Кокшаров, ОВ Лепилова, СВ Алеева - Zaŝita metallov, 2023 -
Методы сканирующей электронной микроскопии и низкотемпературной адсорбции
азота применены для оценки состояния поверхности и формирования …