Deep trade agreements and agri-food global value chain integration

D Kim, S Steinbach, C Zurita - Food Policy, 2024 - Elsevier
This paper assesses the effects of deep trade agreements on agri-food global value chain
(GVC) integration. We employ a theory-consistent gravity model and utilize a detailed …

Trade agreements and participation in global value chains: Empirical evidence from Latin America

ER Sanguinet, AM Alvim, M Atienza - The World Economy, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
The rise of global sourcing implies a heterogeneous relationship between buyers and
suppliers regarding the liberalisation scenarios in emerging countries. This paper analyses …

Are global value chains receding? The jury is still out. Key findings from the analysis of deflated world trade in parts and components

G Gaulier, A Sztulman, D Ünal - International Economics, 2020 - Elsevier
The weakening of global value chain dynamics is considered as one of the causes of the
slowdown in world trade since the 2008 crisis. To better understand the evolution of GVCs at …

Deep regional trade agreement as a driver for global value chains in Africa: The case of ECOWAS region

E Mamba, A Balaki - Economic Change and Restructuring, 2023 - Springer
Deep regional trade agreement (RTA) is likely to enhance global value chains (GVCs) by
increasing coordination of trade policies. Economic Community of West African States …

Экономическая глобализация и региональная интеграция в постковидную эпоху

ВС Загашвили - Мировая экономика и международные отношения, 2022 -
Рассматриваются основные направления воздействия пандемии COVID-19 на
динамику экономической глобализации и региональной интеграции. Сдерживающее …

An empirical investigation of trade diversion and global value chains

F De Soyres, JLY Maire, G Sublet - World Bank Policy Research …, 2019 -
This paper uses data on directional trade flows and Regional Trade Agreements (RTA) to i)
estimate the effects of RTA on trade flows and ii) assess the importance of Global Value …

The Economic Impact of Deepening Trade Agreements

L Fontagné, N Rocha, M Ruta… - The World Bank …, 2023 -
This paper explores the economic impacts of preferential trade agreements, conditional on
their level of ambition. It clusters 278 agreements, encompassing 910 provisions over 18 …

[PDF][PDF] A general equilibrium assessment of the economic impact of deep trade agreements

L Fontagné, N Rocha, M Ruta, G Santoni - 2021 -
A large body of literature focusing on the linkages between Preferential Trade Agreements
(PTAs) and trade relies on the assessment of the partial impact of agreements on trade …

Trade and Infrastructure Integration in Africa

L Fontagné, MSM Lebrand, S Murray… - Available at SSRN …, 2023 -
Economic integration of the African continent rests on two pillars: the ratification of an
ambitious trade agreement and massive investment in transportation infrastructure …

Conceptual foundations of the economic security of a regional integration association

AY Pak, IV Andronova - RUDN Journal of Economics, 2022 -
The problem of ensuring the economic security of the state in modern geo-economic
realities is becoming an increasingly important issue. The rupture of foreign trade relations …