[PDF][PDF] An analysis of the health financing system of the Republic of Korea and options to strengthen health financing performance

I Mathauer, K Xu, G Carrin, DB Evans… - 2009 - core.ac.uk
Professor Hyoung-Sun Jeong of Yonsei University and Director of the HIRA Research and
Development Center acted as the focal point for the Korean Foundation for International …

An aanalysis of predictive factors of medical service overuse for inpatients applied out-of-pocket maximum in long-term care hospitals in South Korea

S Lim, H Shin - Health Policy and Management, 2020 - koreascience.kr
Background: The out-of-pocket maximum is one of the distinctive healthcare systems which
sets a ceiling on co-payment in order to reduce the burden of households from the …


박한나 - 2023 - s-space.snu.ac.kr
고령화와 만성질환 유병률 증가는 국내 보건의료 환경의 변화를 촉진하고 있으며, 국민들의
노년기를 지역사회에서 거주하고자 하는 요구도 증가하고 있다. 이에 일차의료의 역할이 …

[PDF][PDF] 요양병원입원환자의요양시설이동의사에영향을미치는요인

이지윤, 박은경 - 지역사회간호학회지, 2008 - kchn.or.kr
우리나라는 2002 년말 65 세 이상 노인인구가 전체 인구의 7.3% 로 이미 노령화사회 (aging
society) 에 진입하였고, 2018 년에는 14.3% 로 노령사회 (aged society) 에 진입할 것으로 …

Factors affecting of long term care hospital patient's intention of transfer to a nursing home

JY Lee, EG Park - Journal of Korean Academy of Community …, 2008 - koreascience.kr
Purpose: To examine factors affecting long-term care hospital patients' intention of transfer to
a nursing home. Method: A questionnaire survey was conducted in Aug. 2007 that included …