[HTML][HTML] The renewable energy policy Paradox
One major avenue for policymakers to meet climate targets is by decarbonizing the power
sector, one component of which is raising the share of renewable energy sources …
sector, one component of which is raising the share of renewable energy sources …
Competition, innovation and productivity growth: a review of theory and evidence
S Ahn - Available at SSRN 318059, 2002 - papers.ssrn.com
This paper reviews recent studies on the links between competition, innovation and
productivity growth in the long run. From a long-run perspective, one can see that gains from …
productivity growth in the long run. From a long-run perspective, one can see that gains from …
Pass-through of emissions costs in electricity markets
We measure the pass-through of emissions costs to electricity prices. We perform both
reduced-form and structural estimations based on optimal bidding in this market. Using rich …
reduced-form and structural estimations based on optimal bidding in this market. Using rich …
Auctions: theory and practice
P Klemperer - 2018 - torrossa.com
February 2000 was a stressful month for me: the UK 3G auction was about to begin. For over
two years I had been working with the UK government to design the world's first auction of …
two years I had been working with the UK government to design the world's first auction of …
Measuring market inefficiencies in California's restructured wholesale electricity market
We present a method for decomposing wholesale electricity payments into production costs,
inframarginal competitive rents, and payments resulting from the exercise of market power …
inframarginal competitive rents, and payments resulting from the exercise of market power …
What really matters in auction design
P Klemperer - Journal of economic perspectives, 2002 - aeaweb.org
The most important issues in auction design are the traditional concerns of competition
policy-preventing collusive, predatory, and entry-deterring behavior. Ascending and uniform …
policy-preventing collusive, predatory, and entry-deterring behavior. Ascending and uniform …
Demand reduction and inefficiency in multi-unit auctions
Auctions often involve the sale of many related goods: Treasury, spectrum, and electricity
auctions are examples. In multi-unit auctions, bids for marginal units may affect payments for …
auctions are examples. In multi-unit auctions, bids for marginal units may affect payments for …
Strategic gaming analysis for electric power systems: An MPEC approach
Transmission constraints and market concentration may prevent power markets from being
fully competitive, allowing firms to exercise market power and raise prices above marginal …
fully competitive, allowing firms to exercise market power and raise prices above marginal …
Restructuring, competition and regulatory reform in the US electricity sector
PL Joskow - Journal of Economic perspectives, 1997 - aeaweb.org
The US electricity sector is going through dramatic changes. The changes are expanding
competition in the generating segment of the industry, making it possible for consumers to …
competition in the generating segment of the industry, making it possible for consumers to …
A quantitative analysis of pricing behavior in California's wholesale electricity market during summer 2000
PL Joskow, E Kahn - The Energy Journal, 2002 - journals.sagepub.com
During the Summer of 2000, wholesale electricity prices in California were nearly 500%
higher than they were during the same months in 1998 or 1999. This price explosion was …
higher than they were during the same months in 1998 or 1999. This price explosion was …