Variation as accessing 'non-optimal'candidates

AW Coetzee - Phonology, 2006 -
This paper argues that rather than just select the best candidate, EVAL imposes a harmonic
rank-ordering on the full candidate set. Language users have access to this enriched …

[图书][B] Output-driven phonology: Theory and learning

B Tesar - 2014 -
This book presents the theory of output-driven maps and provides a fresh perspective on the
extent to which phonologies can be characterized in terms of restrictions on outputs. Closely …

[图书][B] The interaction of focus, givenness, and prosody: A study of Italian clause structure

V Samek-Lodovici - 2015 -
This book provides an in-depth investigation of contrastive focalization in Italian, showing
that its syntactic expression is systematically affected by the syntactic expression of …

[图书][B] Phonological acquisition: Child language and constraint-based grammar

AM Tessier - 2017 -
In this comprehensive introduction, Anne-Michelle Tessier examines how we acquire the
sounds and sound patterns of language. Analyzing child speech patterns and their …

[PDF][PDF] Head-dependent asymmetries in Munster Irish prosody

P Iosad - Nordlyd, 2013 -
In this paper I propose an analysis of stress in Munster Irish which builds on two important
premises. First, I argue for a distinction between the notion 'head of a constituent'and the …

[PDF][PDF] Phonological impairment in children and adults

B Bernhardt, JP Stemberger - The Cambridge handbook of …, 2007 -
Phonological theories are developed primarily to account for synchronic patterns in the
spoken production of language by neurologically intact adults. However, other sources of …

[PDF][PDF] Optimality theory and the minimalist program

V Samek-Ludovici - Linguistics in Potsdam, 2006 -
Optimality Theory and the Minimalist Program Page 1 Optimality Theory and the Minimalist
Program Vieri Samek-Lodovici Italian Department – University College London 1 Introduction …

Optimality theory and the minimalist program

V Samek-Lodovici - Linguistic Derivations and Filtering …, 2013 -
This chapter examines the relation between Optimality Theory and the Minimalist Program,
arguing that OT and Minimalism are not alternative, incompatible theories and that a theory …

Towards a computer model of the historical phonology and morphology of Latin

P Roberts - 2012 -
Research projects in Optimality Theory tend to take a synchronic view of a particular
generalisation, and set their standards for rigour in typological terms (see for example …

[PDF][PDF] Exploring the typology of quantity-insensitive stress systems without gradient constraints

J Heinz, G Kobele, J Riggle - 79th Annual Meeting of the Linguistic …, 2005 -
Exploring the typology of quantity-insensitive stress systems without gradient constraints Page
1 Exploring the typology of quantity-insensitive stress systems without gradient constraints Jeff …