An introduction to quantitative Poincaré recurrence in dynamical systems

B Saussol - Reviews in Mathematical Physics, 2009 - World Scientific
We present some recurrence results in the context of ergodic theory and dynamical systems.
The main focus will be on smooth dynamical systems, in particular, those with some …

Lorenz-like flows: exponential decay of correlations for the Poincaré map, logarithm law, quantitative recurrence

S Galatolo, MJ Pacifico - Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems, 2010 -
In this paper we prove that the Poincaré map associated to a Lorenz-like flow has
exponential decay of correlations with respect to Lipschitz observables. This implies that the …

Dimension and waiting time in rapidly mixing systems

S Galatolo - arXiv preprint math/0611911, 2006 -
We prove that if a system has superpolynomial (faster than any power law) decay of
correlations then the time $\tau_ {r}(x, x_ {0}) $ needed for a typical point $ x $ to enter for the …

The dynamical Borel-Cantelli lemma and the waiting time problems

S Galatolo, DH Kim - Indagationes Mathematicae, 2007 - Elsevier
We investigate the connection between the dynamical Borel-Cantelli and waiting time
results. We prove that if a system has the dynamical Borel-Cantelli property, then the time …

Skew products, quantitative recurrence, shrinking targets and decay of correlations

S Galatolo, J Rousseau, B Saussol - Ergodic Theory and Dynamical …, 2015 -
We consider toral extensions of hyperbolic dynamical systems. We prove that its quantitative
recurrence (also with respect to given observables) and hitting time scale behavior depend …

[HTML][HTML] Exponential law for random subshifts of finite type

J Rousseau, B Saussol, P Varandas - Stochastic Processes and their …, 2014 - Elsevier
In this paper we study the distribution of hitting times for a class of random dynamical
systems. We prove that for invariant measures with super-polynomial decay of correlations …

Long hitting time, slow decay of correlations and arithmetical properties

S Galatolo, P Peterlongo - arXiv preprint arXiv:0801.3109, 2008 -
Let $\tau_r (x, x_0) $ be the time needed for a point $ x $ to enter for the first time in a ball $
B_r (x_0) $ centered in $ x_0 $, with small radius $ r $. We construct a class of translations …

The recurrence time for interval exchange maps

DH Kim, S Marmi - Nonlinearity, 2008 -
We consider the recurrence time to the r-neighbourhood for interval exchange maps. For
almost every interval exchange map we show that the logarithm of the recurrence time …

Shrinking targets for IETs: extending a theorem of Kurzweil

J Chaika - arXiv preprint arXiv:0910.2694, 2009 -
This paper proves shrinking target results for IETs. Let {a_1\geq a_2\geq...} be a sequence
of positive real numbers with divergent sum. Then for almost every IET T, the limsup of B (T …

[图书][B] Spectral properties of the Koopman operator in the analysis of nonstationary dynamical systems

RM Mohr - 2014 -
The dominating methodology used in the study of dynamical systems is the geometric
picture introduced by Poincaré. The focus is on the structure of the state space and the …