The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on burnout, compassion fatigue, and compassion satisfaction in healthcare personnel: a systematic review of the literature …

C Lluch, L Galiana, P Doménech, N Sansó - Healthcare, 2022 -
This literature review aimed to determine the level of burnout, compassion fatigue, and
compassion satisfaction, as well as their associated risks and protective factors, in …

The prevalence of compassion satisfaction and compassion fatigue among nurses: A systematic review and meta-analysis

W Xie, L Chen, F Feng, CTC Okoli, P Tang… - International journal of …, 2021 - Elsevier
Background Compassion fatigue is a consequence of chronic work-related stress exposure
among healthcare providers. Nursing is a high-risk, stressful profession which increases …

Traumatic stress in the age of COVID-19: A call to close critical gaps and adapt to new realities.

D Horesh, AD Brown - Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research …, 2020 -
Abstract The Issue: Coronavirus-19 (COVID-19) is transforming every aspect of our lives.
Identified in late 2019, COVID-19 quickly became characterized as a global pandemic by …

Symptoms of burnout in intensive care unit specialists facing the COVID-19 outbreak

E Azoulay, J De Waele, R Ferrer, T Staudinger… - Annals of intensive …, 2020 - Springer
Background The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in an unprecedented healthcare crisis
with a high prevalence of psychological distress in healthcare providers. We sought to …

Addressing the mental health impact of COVID-19 through population health

M Boden, L Zimmerman, KJ Azevedo, JI Ruzek… - Clinical psychology …, 2021 - Elsevier
The COVID-19 pandemic has and will continue to result in negative mental health outcomes
such as depression, anxiety and traumatic stress in people and populations throughout the …

Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on posttraumatic stress, grief, burnout, and secondary trauma of social workers in the United St ates

MR Holmes, CR Rentrope, A Korsch-Williams… - Clinical Social Work …, 2021 - Springer
The purpose of this study is to measure posttraumatic stress, grief, burnout, and secondary
trauma experienced by employed social workers in the United States and to describe …

Mindfulness, compassion, and self-compassion among health care professionals: What's new? A systematic review

C Conversano, R Ciacchini, G Orrù… - Frontiers in …, 2020 -
Health care professionals (HCPs) are a population at risk for high levels of burnout and
compassion fatigue. The aim of the present systematic review was to give an overview on …

Factors associated with compassion satisfaction, burnout, and secondary traumatic stress among Chinese nurses in tertiary hospitals: A cross-sectional study

J Wang, CTC Okoli, H He, F Feng, J Li, L Zhuang… - International Journal of …, 2020 - Elsevier
Background Compassion fatigue is a work-related professional hazard acquired when
providing healthcare for patients. This hazard can lead to physical and mental health …

Compassion fatigue among healthcare, emergency and community service workers: A systematic review

F Cocker, N Joss - International journal of environmental research and …, 2016 -
Compassion fatigue (CF) is stress resulting from exposure to a traumatized individual. CF
has been described as the convergence of secondary traumatic stress (STS) and cumulative …

Compassion fatigue, secondary traumatic stress, and vicarious traumatization: A qualitative review and research agenda

RS Rauvola, DM Vega, KN Lavigne - Occupational Health Science, 2019 - Springer
There has been growing research interest in what we term empathy-based stress, a process
of traumatic stressor exposure, empathic experience, and adverse reactions among …