Making sense of generative learning

L Fiorella - Educational Psychology Review, 2023 - Springer
How do learners make sense of what they are learning? In this article, I present a new
framework of sense-making based on research investigating the benefits and boundaries of …

Five strategies for optimizing instructional materials: Instructor-and learner-managed cognitive load

JC Castro-Alonso, BB de Koning, L Fiorella… - Educational Psychology …, 2021 - Springer
Researchers of cognitive load theory and the cognitive theory of multimedia learning have
identified several strategies to optimize instructional materials. In this review article we focus …

[HTML][HTML] Do students learn what they teach when generating teaching materials for others? A meta-analysis through the lens of learning by teaching

J Ribosa, D Duran - Educational Research Review, 2022 - Elsevier
Students can generate teaching materials for others. However, solid evidence of the
learning effect for the student creating the material is needed. This meta-analysis aims to …

[HTML][HTML] Unterricht in zeiten von corona: Ein blick auf die herausforderungen aus der sicht von unterrichts-und instruktionsforschung

T Voss, J Wittwer - Unterrichtswissenschaft, 2020 -
Abstract Die Corona-Pandemie führte infolge der Schulschließungen zu einer
Ausnahmesituation, die Lehrkräfte vor neue und unvorhersehbare Herausforderungen …

Learning-by-teaching without audience presence or interaction: When and why does it work?

A Lachner, V Hoogerheide, T van Gog… - Educational Psychology …, 2022 - Springer
Teaching the contents of study materials by providing explanations to fellow students can be
a beneficial instructional activity. A learning-by-teaching effect can also occur when students …

Learning by drawing visual representations: Potential, purposes, and practical implications

SE Ainsworth, K Scheiter - Current Directions in …, 2021 -
The technique of drawing to learn has received increasing attention in recent years. In this
article, we will present distinct purposes for using drawing that are based on active …

Teaching-to-learn: its effects on conceptual knowledge learning in university students

MMC Rogers - International Journal of Innovative Teaching and …, 2021 -
Students report poor learning goals and study strategies. Educators may encourage better
learning by requiring students to complete assessments that promote generative learning …

Fostering generative learning from video lessons: Benefits of instructor-generated drawings and learner-generated explanations.

L Fiorella, AT Stull, S Kuhlmann… - Journal of Educational …, 2020 -
This study explored ways to foster generative learning during a narrated video lesson about
the human kidney. In a 2× 3 between-subjects design, 196 college students were randomly …

Learning by writing explanations: Is explaining to a fictitious student more effective than self-explaining?

A Lachner, L Jacob, V Hoogerheide - Learning and Instruction, 2021 - Elsevier
Research has demonstrated that oral explaining to a fictitious student improves learning.
Whether these findings replicate, when students are writing explanations, and whether …

Generative artificial intelligence in learning analytics: Contextualising opportunities and challenges through the learning analytics cycle

L Yan, R Martinez-Maldonado, D Gasevic - Proceedings of the 14th …, 2024 -
Generative artificial intelligence (GenAI), exemplified by ChatGPT, Midjourney, and other
state-of-the-art large language models and diffusion models, holds significant potential for …