[PDF][PDF] Project-Based Learning with Gallery Walk: The Association with the Learning Motivation and Achievement

Z Che-aron, W Matcha - International Journal of Modern Education …, 2023 - mecs-press.org
With the rapid and constant changes in computer and information technology, the content
and learning methods in Computer Science related courses need to be continuously …

[PDF][PDF] Pentingnya Modifikasi Instrumen Pengembangan Anak Usia Dini Holistik Integratif

C Apriyansyah, A Tjalla, A Saptono… - Jurnal Obsesi: Jurnal …, 2023 - scholar.archive.org
Penelitian ini bermaksud untuk menghasilkan instrumen evaluasi program PAUD HI.
Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pengembangan instrumen Instrumen penilaian …

[PDF][PDF] The Development of Teacher and Student's Book Based on Realistic Mathematics Education in Statistics for A package Program.

EPS Bayu, A Fauzan - European Journal of Educational Research, 2023 - pdf.eu-jer.com
Development research demands a improvement in the implementation of learning by
developing products based on learning needs. The products of this development are …

Timestamp-based video integrated by STEAM to improve students' understanding of trigonometric

HDA Setyaningrum, N Ishartono… - AIP Conference …, 2024 - pubs.aip.org
There have been many studies that have developed learning videos on trigonometric
materials. However, no research has been found that has developed STEAM-integrated …

STEM-oriented problem posing model's expert validation to improve problem solving skill and self-regulated learning

K Khairudin, A Fauzan, A Armiati - AIP Conference Proceedings, 2024 - pubs.aip.org
Problem Solving Skill (PSS) and Self-Regulated Learning (SRL) were still low, especially in
the Calculus course, so a learning model is needed is to activated students to asking …

The Effect of Interactive Conceptual Instruction Assisted by PhET Simulations on the Student’ s Scientific Consistency in Physics

M Furqon - Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA, 2023 - jppipa.unram.ac.id
This study aims to determine the effect of Interactive Conceptual Instruction Assisted by
PhET Simulations on students' scientific consistency. The research method used was quasi …


M Furqon - SPEKTRA: Jurnal Kajian Pendidikan Sains, 2024 - ojs.unsiq.ac.id
The objective of this study is to assess the effects of employing Interactive Conceptual
Instruction with the assistance of PhET Simulations on students' understanding ability in the …

The reliability and validity of the problem posing learning model STEM-oriented instrument to improve self-regulated learning, and problem solving ability in calculus

K Khairudin, A Fauzan, A Armiati - AIP Conference Proceedings, 2023 - pubs.aip.org
This research is part of the research on developing a STEM-oriented Problem Posing
learning model to improve Independence and Problem Solving ability in Calculus course …

The Influence of The Problem-Based Learning Model on The Learning Outcomes of Seventh-Grade Students Junior High School

SM Khalifah, A Susanta, H Sumardi… - … Jurnal Matematika dan …, 2023 - mathline.unwir.ac.id
Learning outcomes, especially mathematics, are still low both at the international and
national levels. The results of the 2021 minimum competency assessment show that student …

An Achievement Test in Mathematics in the Modern World Course: The Standardization Process

JY Baybayan, MR Lacia - International Journal of …, 2024 - ijmaberjournal.org
This study aimed to construct and standardize an achievement test in Mathematics in the
Modern World (MMW) course. Achievement test evaluates a student's performance after a …