Method for fabricating a semiconductor structure including a metal oxide interface with silicon

J Ramdani, R Droopad, Z Yu - US Patent 6,709,989, 2004 - Google Patents
3,617,951 A 11/1971 Anderson 3,670,213 A 6/1972 Nakawaga et al. 3,766,370 A 10/1973
Walther 3,802,967 A 4/1974 Ladany et al. 3,914,137 A 10/1975 Huffman et al. 3,935,031 A …

In situ modification of group iv nanoparticles using gas phase nanoparticle reactors

X Li, E Rogojina, D Jurbergs… - US Patent App. 11/967,568, 2008 - Google Patents
BACKGROUND 0003 Group IV nanoparticles have proven useful in a variety of applications
for a wide selection of optoelectronic devices. However, due to problems associated with the …

Process and apparatus for forming nanoparticles using radiofrequency plasmas

U Kortshagen, EJ Thimsen, L Mangolini… - US Patent …, 2008 - Google Patents
Methods and apparatus for producing nanoparticles, including single-crystal semiconductor
nanoparticles, are provided. The methods include the step of generating a constricted …

Structure and method for fabricating an electro-optic system having an electrochromic diffraction grating

LE Lach, R Lempkowski, TL Klosowiak… - US Patent 6,498,358, 2002 - Google Patents
(57) ABSTRACT A semiconductor structure for implementing optical beam sWitching
includes a monocrystalline silicon substrate and an amorphous oxide material overlying the …

Electro-optic structure and process for fabricating same

J Ramdani, L Hilt, R Droopad, WJ Ooms - US Patent 6,493,497, 2002 - Google Patents
High quality epitaxial layers of oxide can be grown overlying large silicon wafers by first
growing an accommodating buffer layer on a silicon wafer. The accommodating buffer layer …

Integrated impedance matching and stability network

BA Bosco, RM Emrick, SJ Franson - US Patent 6,531,740, 2003 - Google Patents
References Cited() An integrated circuit for intermediate impedance matching US PATENT
DOCUMENTS and stabilization of high poWer devices is disclosed. High 3,670,213 A …

Semiconductor structure

Z Yu, J Ramdani, R Droopad - US Patent 6,501,121, 2002 - Google Patents
5,140,651 A 8/1992 Soref et al- A structure and method for forming a high dielectric con
5'O81'519 A 11/1992 Nishimura et a1 ' stant device structure includes a monocrystalline …

Structure for fabricating high electron mobility transistors utilizing the formation of complaint substrates

RM Emrick, SK Rockwell, JE Holmes - US Patent 6,646,293, 2003 - Google Patents
3,914,137 3,935,031 4,006,989 4,084,130 4,120,588 4,146.297 4,174,422 4,242,595
4,284,329 4,289.920 4,297,656 4,392.297 4,398,342 4,404.265 4,424,589 4,439,014 …

Optical waveguide structure and method for fabricating the same

AA Talin, SA Voight - US Patent 7,020,374, 2006 - Google Patents
An optical Waveguide structure (10) is provided. The optical Waveguide structure (10) has a
monocrystalline substrate (12), an amorphous interface layer (14) overlying the …

Ferromagnetic semiconductor structure and method for forming the same

Y Liang, R Droopad, H Li, Z Yu - US Patent 6,885,065, 2005 - Google Patents
US6885065B2 - Ferromagnetic semiconductor structure and method for forming the same -
Google Patents US6885065B2 - Ferromagnetic semiconductor structure and method for forming …