Media and social capital

F Campante, R Durante, A Tesei - Annual Review of Economics, 2022 -
We survey the empirical literature in economics on the impact of media technologies on
social capital. Guided by a simple model of information and collective action, we cover a …

Making sense of the newspaper crisis: A critical assessment of existing research and an agenda for future work

I Siles, PJ Boczkowski - New media & society, 2012 -
This article analyzes recent research on the newspaper crisis. It discusses how authors have
examined the sources, manifestations, and implications of this crisis, and the proposals to …

Two-way fixed effects and differences-in-differences with heterogeneous treatment effects: A survey

C De Chaisemartin… - The Econometrics …, 2023 -
Linear regressions with period and group fixed effects are widely used to estimate policie's
effects: 26 of the 100 most cited papers published by the American Economic Review from …

Social media, news consumption, and polarization: Evidence from a field experiment

R Levy - American economic review, 2021 -
Does the consumption of ideologically congruent news on social media exacerbate
polarization? I estimate the effects of social media news exposure by conducting a large …

Two-way fixed effects estimators with heterogeneous treatment effects

C De Chaisemartin, X d'Haultfoeuille - American economic review, 2020 -
Linear regressions with period and group fixed effects are widely used to estimate treatment
effects. We show that they estimate weighted sums of the average treatment effects (ATE) in …

When the local newspaper leaves town: The effects of local newspaper closures on corporate misconduct

J Heese, G Pérez-Cavazos, CD Peter - Journal of Financial Economics, 2022 - Elsevier
We examine whether the local press is an effective monitor of corporate misconduct.
Specifically, we study the effects of local newspaper closures on violations by local facilities …

Visualization, identification, and estimation in the linear panel event-study design

S Freyaldenhoven, C Hansen, JP Pérez, JM Shapiro - 2021 -
Linear panel models, and the “event-study plots” that often accompany them, are popular
tools for learning about policy effects. We discuss the construction of event-study plots and …

The effect of social media on elections: Evidence from the united states

T Fujiwara, K Müller, C Schwarz - Journal of the European …, 2024 -
We study how social media affects election outcomes in the United States. We use variation
in the number of Twitter users across counties induced by early adopters at the 2007 South …

Pre-event trends in the panel event-study design

S Freyaldenhoven, C Hansen… - American Economic …, 2019 -
We consider a linear panel event-study design in which unobserved confounds may be
related both to the outcome and to the policy variable of interest. We provide sufficient …

How the news media activate public expression and influence national agendas

G King, B Schneer, A White - Science, 2017 -
We demonstrate that exposure to the news media causes Americans to take public stands
on specific issues, join national policy conversations, and express themselves publicly—all …