[HTML][HTML] Undisclosed material inflation risk

Y Konchitchki, J Xie - Journal of Monetary Economics, 2023 - Elsevier
We identify many major US corporations that are highly exposed to inflation risk. Yet,
although the SEC legally requires disclosing possible risk factors, more than 61% of the …

Punish one, teach a hundred: The sobering effect of punishment on the unpunished

F D'Acunto, M Weber, J Xie - University of Chicago, Becker …, 2019 - papers.ssrn.com
Direct experience of a peer's punishment might make non-punished peers reassess the
probability and consequences of facing punishment and hence induce a change in their …

[PDF][PDF] The Impact of Securities Regulation on New Keynesian Firms

EX Li, J Xie, J Zhang - The Impact of Securities Regulation on New …, 2022 - ee.ckgsb.com
Borrowing firms resetting output prices infrequently are less able to insulate their profits from
economic shocks, the impact of which on performance is costly for lenders to verify. If …