Formal approaches to secure compilation: A survey of fully abstract compilation and related work

M Patrignani, A Ahmed, D Clarke - ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR), 2019 -
Secure compilation is a discipline aimed at developing compilers that preserve the security
properties of the source programs they take as input in the target programs they produce as …

Nemesis: Studying microarchitectural timing leaks in rudimentary CPU interrupt logic

J Van Bulck, F Piessens, R Strackx - Proceedings of the 2018 ACM …, 2018 -
Recent research on transient execution vulnerabilities shows that current processors exceed
our levels of understanding. The prominent Meltdown and Spectre attacks abruptly revealed …

Sancus 2.0: A low-cost security architecture for iot devices

J Noorman, JV Bulck, JT Mühlberg, F Piessens… - ACM Transactions on …, 2017 -
The Sancus security architecture for networked embedded devices was proposed in 2013 at
the USENIX Security conference. It supports remote (even third-party) software installation …

A formal foundation for secure remote execution of enclaves

P Subramanyan, R Sinha, I Lebedev… - Proceedings of the …, 2017 -
Recent proposals for trusted hardware platforms, such as Intel SGX and the MIT Sanctum
processor, offer compelling security features but lack formal guarantees. We introduce a …

{Light-Weight} Contexts: An {OS} Abstraction for Safety and Performance

J Litton, A Vahldiek-Oberwagner, E Elnikety… - … USENIX Symposium on …, 2016 -
We introduce a new OS abstraction—light-weight contexts (lwCs)—that provides
independent units of protection, privilege, and execution state within a process. A process …

Journey beyond full abstraction: Exploring robust property preservation for secure compilation

C Abate, R Blanco, D Garg, C Hritcu… - 2019 IEEE 32nd …, 2019 -
Good programming languages provide helpful abstractions for writing secure code, but the
security properties of the source language are generally not preserved when compiling a …

Ariadne: A minimal approach to state continuity

R Strackx, F Piessens - 25th USENIX Security Symposium (USENIX …, 2016 -
Protected-module architectures such as Intel SGX provide strong isolation guarantees to
sensitive parts of applications while the system is up and running. Unfortunately systems in …

VulCAN: Efficient component authentication and software isolation for automotive control networks

J Van Bulck, JT Mühlberg, F Piessens - Proceedings of the 33rd Annual …, 2017 -
Vehicular communication networks have been subject to a growing number of attacks that
put the safety of passengers at risk. This resulted in millions of vehicles being recalled and …

Dimsum: A decentralized approach to multi-language semantics and verification

M Sammler, S Spies, Y Song, E D'Osualdo… - Proceedings of the …, 2023 -
Prior work on multi-language program verification has achieved impressive results,
including the compositional verification of complex compilers. But the existing approaches to …

Fully abstract compilation via universal embedding

MS New, WJ Bowman, A Ahmed - Proceedings of the 21st ACM …, 2016 -
A fully abstract compiler guarantees that two source components are observationally
equivalent in the source language if and only if their translations are observationally …