Nonsocial and social cognition in schizophrenia: current evidence and future directions

MF Green, WP Horan, J Lee - World psychiatry, 2019 - Wiley Online Library
Cognitive impairment in schizophrenia involves a broad array of nonsocial and social
cognitive domains. It is a core feature of the illness, and one with substantial implications for …

A cross-disorder connectome landscape of brain dysconnectivity

MP van den Heuvel, O Sporns - Nature reviews neuroscience, 2019 -
Many human brain disorders are associated with characteristic alterations in the structural
and functional connectivity of the brain. In this article, we explore how commonalities and …

Brain disorders? Not really: Why network structures block reductionism in psychopathology research

D Borsboom, AOJ Cramer, A Kalis - Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 2019 -
In the past decades, reductionism has dominated both research directions and funding
policies in clinical psychology and psychiatry. The intense search for the biological basis of …

[图书][B] Fundamentals of brain network analysis

A Fornito, A Zalesky, E Bullmore - 2016 -
Fundamentals of Brain Network Analysis is a comprehensive and accessible introduction to
methods for unraveling the extraordinary complexity of neuronal connectivity. From the …

Brain network dynamics during working memory are modulated by dopamine and diminished in schizophrenia

U Braun, A Harneit, G Pergola, T Menara… - Nature …, 2021 -
Dynamical brain state transitions are critical for flexible working memory but the network
mechanisms are incompletely understood. Here, we show that working memory …

Clinical assessment of social cognitive function in neurological disorders

JD Henry, W Von Hippel, P Molenberghs… - Nature Reviews …, 2016 -
Social cognition broadly refers to the processing of social information in the brain that
underlies abilities such as the detection of others' emotions and responding appropriately to …

Computational network biology: data, models, and applications

C Liu, Y Ma, J Zhao, R Nussinov, YC Zhang, F Cheng… - Physics Reports, 2020 - Elsevier
Biological entities are involved in intricate and complex interactions, in which uncovering the
biological information from the network concepts are of great significance. Benefiting from …

Resolving heterogeneity in schizophrenia through a novel systems approach to brain structure: individualized structural covariance network analysis

Z Liu, L Palaniyappan, X Wu, K Zhang, J Du… - Molecular …, 2021 -
Reliable mapping of system-level individual differences is a critical first step toward
precision medicine for complex disorders such as schizophrenia. Disrupted structural …

Behavioral, neuroanatomical, and molecular correlates of resilience and susceptibility to maternal immune activation

FS Mueller, J Scarborough, SM Schalbetter… - Molecular …, 2021 -
Infectious or noninfectious maternal immune activation (MIA) is an environmental risk factor
for psychiatric and neurological disorders with neurodevelopmental etiologies. Whilst there …

From maps to multi-dimensional network mechanisms of mental disorders

U Braun, A Schaefer, RF Betzel, H Tost… - Neuron, 2018 -
The development of advanced neuroimaging techniques and their deployment in large
cohorts has enabled an assessment of functional and structural brain network architecture at …