Multi-label zero-shot human action recognition via joint latent ranking embedding
Human action recognition is one of the most challenging tasks in computer vision. Most of
the existing works in human action recognition are limited to single-label classification. A …
the existing works in human action recognition are limited to single-label classification. A …
[PDF][PDF] Multi-label zero-shot human action recognition via joint latent embedding
Human action recognition refers to automatic recognizing human actions from a video clip,
which is one of the most challenging tasks in computer vision. Due to the fact that annotating …
which is one of the most challenging tasks in computer vision. Due to the fact that annotating …
[图书][B] Zero-Shot Visual Recognition via Latent Embedding Learning
Q Wang - 2018 -
Traditional supervised visual recognition methods require a great number of annotated
examples for each concerned class. The collection and annotation of visual data (eg …
examples for each concerned class. The collection and annotation of visual data (eg …