[HTML][HTML] Transactional colonialism in wind energy investments: Energy injustices against vulnerable people in the Isthmus of Tehuantepec

J Ramirez, S Böhm - Energy Research & Social Science, 2021 - Elsevier
Energy production is a source of disputes across the world. Governments and firms argue
that investing in wind energy contributes to the sustainable development of energy systems …

[PDF][PDF] Analysis of production and investment efficiency in the Mexican food industry: Application of two-stage DEA.

M Flegl, CA Jiménez-Bandala… - Czech Journal of …, 2022 - cjfs.agriculturejournals.cz
The food industry in Mexico is a precarious sector and lags behind other manufacturing
industries, it is made up mainly of small and medium-sized enterprises. Its importance in the …

Inversión en energías eólicas en el Istmo de Tehuantepec: Continuidad del colonialismo interno en las disputas territoriales

J Ramirez - Iberoamericana, Nordic Journal of Latin American and …, 2021 - research.cbs.dk
Governments and companies argue that investing in wind energy contributes to global
sustainable development and ecological conservation. However, vulnerable groups, such …

Poverty and impunity, relevant factors in variations in catholicism in latin america

LAA Rosas, FG Alcalá… - Revista Española de …, 2021 - ingentaconnect.com
In the last 25 years the Catholic population in Latin America has decreased considerably,
some studies attribute the increasing secularization to the economic and social changes that …

Energías limpias en México: proyecciones para la energía solar

R Petrarca - Revista Internacional de Salarios …, 2021 - revistasinvestigacion.lasalle.mx
En esta investigación se analiza la situación actual y las perspectivas de la generación de
energía solar en México con el fin de identificar áreas de oportunidad tanto de inversión …

Pobreza e impunidad, factores relevantes en las variaciones del catolicismo en América Latina

LAA Rosas, FG Alcalá, CA Jiménez-Bandala - Reis: Revista Española de …, 2021 - JSTOR
En los últimos 25 años la población católica en América Latina disminuyó
considerablemente, algunos estudios atribuyen la creciente secularización a los cambios …

[PDF][PDF] Productivity analysis in the Mexican food industry

M Flegl, CA Jiménez Bandala… - Proceedings of the …, 2021 - researchgate.net
Food industry represents an important part in the Mexican economy, including more than
400,000 companies and a Gross Domestic Product of around 16 billion of Mexican pesos in …

Analysis of production and investment efficiency in the Mexican food industry: Application of two-stage DEA

IL Sanchez Juarez, M Flegl, C Jiménez… - Instituto de Ciencias …, 2022 - cathi.uacj.mx
The food industry in Mexico is a precarious sector and lags behind other manufacturing
industries, it is made up mainly of small and medium-sized enterprises. Its importance in the …

Crecimiento y Ecología. El Caso de Corea del Sur

MAS Heredia - Revista Internacional de Salarios …, 2020 - revistasinvestigacion.lasalle.mx
De acuerdo con la ONU, la intención del desarrollo sostenible es mantener el balance entre
el avance económico, el adelanto social y la protección del medio ambiente, sin embargo …

Experiencias comparadas de Desarrollo Económico Sostenible entre Kenia, México y Vietnam

C Chiatchoua, CAJ Bandala - Online Journal Mundo …, 2020 - publicaciones.eafit.edu.co
This research project analyzes the experiences of developing countries in terms of
sustainable economic development to propose measures for their emancipation. The data …