Time series change point detection with self-supervised contrastive predictive coding
Change Point Detection (CPD) methods identify the times associated with changes in the
trends and properties of time series data in order to describe the underlying behaviour of the …
trends and properties of time series data in order to describe the underlying behaviour of the …
Fast weakly supervised action segmentation using mutual consistency
Action segmentation is the task of predicting the actions for each frame of a video. As
obtaining the full annotation of videos for action segmentation is expensive, weakly …
obtaining the full annotation of videos for action segmentation is expensive, weakly …
Unsupervised video object segmentation with joint hotspot tracking
Object tracking is a well-studied problem in computer vision while identifying salient spots of
objects in a video is a less explored direction in the literature. Video eye gaze estimation …
objects in a video is a less explored direction in the literature. Video eye gaze estimation …
Adaptive video highlight detection by learning from user history
Recently, there is an increasing interest in highlight detection research where the goal is to
create a short duration video from a longer video by extracting its interesting moments …
create a short duration video from a longer video by extracting its interesting moments …
PAC-Net: Highlight Your Video via History Preference Modeling
Autonomous highlight detection is crucial for video editing and video browsing on social
media platforms. General video highlight detection aims at extracting the most interesting …
media platforms. General video highlight detection aims at extracting the most interesting …
Highlightme: Detecting highlights from human-centric videos
We present a domain-and user-preference-agnostic approach to detect highlightable
excerpts from human-centric videos. Our method works on the graph-based representation …
excerpts from human-centric videos. Our method works on the graph-based representation …
Gif thumbnails: Attract more clicks to your videos
With the rapid increase of mobile devices and online media, more and more people prefer
posting/viewing videos online. Generally, these videos are presented on video streaming …
posting/viewing videos online. Generally, these videos are presented on video streaming …
Show Me What I Like: Detecting user-specific video highlights using content-based multi-head attention
We propose a method to detect individualized highlights for users on given target videos
based on their preferred highlight clips marked on previous videos they have watched. Our …
based on their preferred highlight clips marked on previous videos they have watched. Our …
Back to the beginning: Starting point detection for early recognition of ongoing human actions
We address the task of recognizing the category of an ongoing human action from a video
stream. This task is challenging because of the need to output categorization decisions …
stream. This task is challenging because of the need to output categorization decisions …
Detecting the starting frame of actions in video
In this work, we address the problem of precisely localizing key frames of an action, for
example, the precise time that a pitcher releases a baseball, or the precise time that a crowd …
example, the precise time that a pitcher releases a baseball, or the precise time that a crowd …