Nonlinearities in the US wage Phillips curve

L Donayre, I Panovska - Journal of Macroeconomics, 2016 - Elsevier
We examine the relationship between wage inflation and the unemployment rate in the US
economy for the 1964–2014 period by means of a three-regime threshold regression model …

US wage growth and nonlinearities: The roles of inflation and unemployment

L Donayre, I Panovska - Economic Modelling, 2018 - Elsevier
Despite a low unemployment rate, wage growth in the US was negligible during the 2013–
2015 period. Conventional linear models of the relationship between wages and …

The wage inflation‐unemployment curve at the macroeconomic level

A López‐Villavicencio, S Saglio - Oxford Bulletin of Economics …, 2017 - Wiley Online Library
Based on the reduced form New Keynesian Wage Phillips Curve, we estimate wage rigidity
and indexation at the aggregate level in several advanced countries for the 1985–2014 …

Monetary policy and the wage inflation-unemployment tradeoff

RD Gabriel - European Economic Review, 2023 - Elsevier
Using newly assembled data for 18 advanced economies between 1870 and 2019, I study
how monetary policy affects wage inflation and unemployment and document two key …

Оценка институциональной эффективности индексации оплаты труда

СВ Орехова - Вестник Санкт-Петербургского университета …, 2016 -
В статье рассматриваются причины расхождения законодательно установленного
института индексации оплаты труда и реальной трудовой практики российских …

Disinflation, inequality, and welfare in a tank model

P Tirelli, M Ferrara - Economic Inquiry, 2020 - Wiley Online Library
We investigate the redistributive and welfare effects of disinflation in a two‐agent New
Keynesian model characterized by limited asset market participation and wealth inequality …

Endogenous wage indexation and aggregate shocks

JA Carrillo, G Peersman, J Wauters - 2017 -
Empirical and institutional evidence finds considerable time variation in the degree of wage
indexation to past inflation, a finding that is at odds with the assumption of constant …

[PDF][PDF] Essays on Public Policy Interactions

R Duque Gabriel - 2023 -
This dissertation consists of three self-contained studies that employ empirical
methodologies to shed light on important topics. The initial chapter presents a …

Understanding the gains from wage flexibility in a currency union: the fiscal policy connection

E Okano - 2020 -
I investigate two findings in Gali and Monacelli (2016, American Economic Review) which
are (i) the effectiveness of labor cost adjustments on employment is much smaller in a …

Endogenous wage indexation and aggregate shocks

JA Carrillo, G Peersman, J Wauters - Journal of Macroeconomics, 2022 - Elsevier
New Keynesian DSGE models assume a constant degree of wage indexation to past
inflation, neglecting empirical and institutional evidence of a time-varying degree. We build a …